why people discourging to take civil and encouraging to take cse/ece,i got nit warangal civil ,i am in a dilemma
Answer (1)
Civil also has a broad scope in the future , agreeable to the fact that the placements are less for this course as compared to ece. So , if you are wholly interested in studying civil engineering from NIT , then just go for it. Let people not discourage you , just believe in you. Don't forget ambani wouldn't be ambani today if he:d have listened to people . Just follow your interest and mind.
Civil also has a broad scope in the future , agreeable to the fact that the placements are less for this course as compared to ece. So , if you are wholly interested in studying civil engineering from NIT , then just go for it. Let people not discourage you , just believe in you. Don't forget ambani wouldn't be ambani today if he:d have listened to people . Just follow your interest and mind.

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