why west bengal private medical college charge fee per semester . jaganath medical college fee per semester is 1094000 it means in one year 2 semester .why
Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital is a private affiliated medical college under West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata . The fees system for the private college aren't fixed by the government. So the charges by the private institutes are entirely based on there management directions. So if the institute is asking semesterwise fees, you have to pay it as its there policy. Most of the private medical colleges take the fees annually but its actually the same. If you pay 20 lacs annually then its equivalent to 10lacs per semester. So actually nothing is different among this private colleges, but the difference is in the mode of accepting the fees.
To know more about the college, visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!