Wich exam base selected MBA in this university
Hello Risvan,
The University of Madras, Chennai accept the TANCET MBA entrance exam. It is a government college.The fees of this College is 0.47 lakhs.
The list of the courses which provided by the university are;
- B.com
- B.BA Tourism and Travel Management
- M.sc Chemistry
Hope this will help you. Best of luck.
Hii Risvan..The University of madras invites candidates to join their M.B.A & M.C.A courses provided by the University. The M.B.A. course is divided into two categories – Regular and Self-Supportive (Evening Programme) The University's Department of Management Studies is one of the oldest (estb. 1955) and prestigious in the country.
The Application forms can be obtained from the campus, or in online mode. A separate form is required for each course, and for Self-Supportive course. The admission is solely based on the marks obtained by the student in the TANCET examination held by the university. The forms have to be submitted within 7 days of the announcement of the TANCET result.
Hope this helps you. All the best.