Will anybody tell me the difference between bsc chemistry and bsc chemistry honours...
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Brother , chemistry hon. nd chemistry (program ) are two different course .
In chemistry hon. U have to study only chem. if wana go to research or any specialization Go for chem. hon. and Remember this also, You will not have any option other than chemistry during mater's .
but in chemistry program you have to study chem as main subject with Physics & Math's . You have alot of options for master's like chem. Physics , Math's .
Chem .( hon )is more in demand than chem. program these days..
Brother , chemistry hon. nd chemistry (program ) are two different course .
In chemistry hon. U have to study only chem. if wana go to research or any specialization Go for chem. hon. and Remember this also, You will not have any option other than chemistry during mater's .
but in chemistry program you have to study chem as main subject with Physics & Math's . You have alot of options for master's like chem. Physics , Math's .
Chem .( hon )is more in demand than chem. program these days..
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