will I able to score 400+ marks in neet 2020.if im start preparing now.please help me.im quite depressed.please reply.
Hello Aspirant,
See NEET is scheduled for September 13th and today is 20th August so you have around 23 days remaining. In these 23 days you can score more than 500 marks if you have proper knowledge of Basic syllabus but if you have no prior knowledge of syllabus then it is quite impossible to get even 300 marks in NEET.
Considering that you have basic knowledge, so now in these 23 days what you have to do is just solve different sample papers of NEET and previous years papers of NEET as much as you can because this will increase your self confidence. When you will start solving these paper you will face difficulties in so many question but you should not leave it, just do one thing when you start solving the paper just mark those questions which you are unable to do and after completing that paper sit with that questions and try to solve them either by seeing solution or by learning the concept used in it, once you solve it then you will learn that concept and then try to solve 5-6 questions more on the same concept so that your concept will be developed for forever.
You can also go through the following program which has been made for your preparation of NEET, link for the same is given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
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