Will I not get seat in NDA if I answer only the mathematics and got 250in maths and 100in GAT
You will not get a seat as the minimum cut off for GAT is 120
You should get 25%― 30% marks in both exams
As per the Previous years’ NDA Cut off for Written Exam out of 900-
NDA 1 cut of-
342 (With 25 % in each subject)
So, you need to qualify the sectional cutoff for NDA 1 of 25%(Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT)) to qualify NDA 1.
All the best.
As per previous year's NDA II cutoff, the cutoff for written exam was 258 out of 900 (with at least 25 % in each subject). The final cutoff for selection out of 1800 marks was 624.
All the best!!