Will you suggest a student begin with undergraduate level, broaden his/her base and then do the serious specialization at a master's level?
If we look at all practical purposes, where you have a lot of job opportunities, such as in IT or Computer Science, you can specialise. You can do gaming, cyber security, data analytics, because the opportunities are wide. But anything which already has a limited job opportunity such as Mechanical or Civil engineering, I would not suggest going into specialising at a very early stage. You need to keep your options open. You shouldn't fire away all your bridges.
Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan
Asst. VP
VIT, Vellore
First off,you need to be sure of your calling. You need to decide as to what you want to do in life and then work accordingly. See,undergraduation from a good college gives you time and space to broaden your perspective about a particular course. If you are able to understand the course well and develop immense interest in it,then go for Masters for specialization in a particular course and after this you can try to establish a career in the field of academics or research.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.