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As per Careers360, rating for XIME Banagalore is AAA+ which means good. For
IFIM is AAA+ which means good.
Rest other 2 are decent management colleges.
Placements wise,
GBS has decent placements and international/national placements.
Some of its top recruiters are:
Glaxo Smithkline,
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC India),
Asian Paints,
ICRA and complete placement report you can check here .
The average package in XIME Bangalore is approx 6.7 lakhs per year and highest has been 11 lakhs in 2017.
You can check its complete placement report here .
Some of the companies which visit for recruitement are:
South Indian Bank
In IFIM, companies visiting are:
Yes Bank
You can check the placement record here .
In IMI Kolkata, the average package is approx 5-6 lakhs per year. You can check the complete report here .
So as the review is given for all above, and as per your interest you can decide the one best for you.
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