Xime vs Bimtech. which is better ???
Both are the good colleges. As per the analyzing report of Careers 360 XIME Bangalore & BIMTECH has AAA+ raing which means good. The rating is based on the research of the colleges on placement, Faculty, Student crowd & Corporate Exposure. The companies visit to the campus BIMTECH college like Cannon, Swiss RE, ICICI, Amul, Maruti, Hero Honda, etc. The companies visit to the campus XIME are companies are Accenture, ICICI Bank, Reliance, JP Morgan, Tata Motors, MindTree, Oracle, Infosys, Honeywell, Federal Bank, Deloitte, CRISIL, KPMG, HSBC, HDFC etc.
You can also check the genuine reviews of the colleges with the given below links.
Good Luck!