You are manager HDFC bank in sector 40,Chandigarh. Write a report on the feasibility of opening a new branch in sector 35, Chandigarh. The report should be addressed to the board of directors HDFC bank,Mumbai.
Answer (1)
Opening of New Branch
Your name (with your designation)
Respected sir I would like to to bring your attention towards a thought going on in my mind regarding opening of a new branch of our HDFC Bank in Sector 35. I am working in Sector 40 for few years now and i usually pass by Sector 35 area and i have noticed that it's a very good area for opening of a new branch since the population of the area is quite good and lot of people from that area have accounts opened in our branch which is also creating lot of work in our branch and if there will be a new branch in sector 35 then workload of our branch will also be reduced which will increase efficiency. So, i would like to conclude by saying that please visit the area once for inspection and if you think it's a good place to open a branch then kindly think upon it.
Thanking you.
Opening of New Branch
Your name (with your designation)
Respected sir I would like to to bring your attention towards a thought going on in my mind regarding opening of a new branch of our HDFC Bank in Sector 35. I am working in Sector 40 for few years now and i usually pass by Sector 35 area and i have noticed that it's a very good area for opening of a new branch since the population of the area is quite good and lot of people from that area have accounts opened in our branch which is also creating lot of work in our branch and if there will be a new branch in sector 35 then workload of our branch will also be reduced which will increase efficiency. So, i would like to conclude by saying that please visit the area once for inspection and if you think it's a good place to open a branch then kindly think upon it.
Thanking you.
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