Blood Relation: Definition, Practice Questions, Examples, Types

Blood Relation: Definition, Practice Questions, Examples, Types

Edited By Deependra Verma | Updated on Jan 01, 2025 11:24 PM IST

Blood Relation: Relations are defined as any relation in the universe which is either by birth or by marriage. For example, relation by birth will be mother, father, brother, sister etc. or relation by marriage will be husband, wife, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law etc. Blood Relation Reasoning is one of the most important topics in logical reasoning. It is asked in various competitive and entrance exams such as CAT, XAT, MAT, CLAT, TANCET, SSC, Bank, Railways, Insurance, Defence, Teaching, CUET, VITEEE and other competitive exams etc. The blood relation reasoning questions can be solved by drawing the family tree. In blood relation-based questions, the family tree diagram is very helpful.

This Story also Contains
  1. Importance of the Understanding of Family Relationships in Blood Relationship
  2. How do You Draw a Family Tree to Solve Blood Relation Problems?
  3. Purpose of Studying Blood Relationships
  4. Types of Blood Relation Problems
  5. Approach to Solve Blood Relation Reasoning Questions
  6. Points to Remember in the Blood Relation-Based Problems
  7. Practice Resources for Blood Relationships Questions
  8. Question Weightage of Blood Relations in Competitive Exams
  9. Practice Questions Based on Passage/Relation Based Blood Relation
  10. Practice Questions Based on Coded Blood Relation
  11. Practice Questions Based on Picture/Person Pointing Based Blood Relation
  12. Blood Relation Questions for CAT/ XAT/ MAT/ KMAT/ IPMAT/ UPESMET/ JIPMAT
  13. Blood Relation Questions for APICET/ TANCET/ CUET/ CLAT
  14. Blood Relation Questions for SSC/ RRB Exams
  15. Blood Relation Questions for Banking/ Insurance Exams
Blood Relation: Definition, Practice Questions,  Examples, Types
Blood Relation: Definition, Practice Questions, Examples, Types

Importance of the Understanding of Family Relationships in Blood Relationship

In today’s modern society, almost all families are nuclear and we rarely see a joint family. In this modern era, students have difficulty understanding the relationships between the other family members. So, the following are some basic terms used in the blood relation-based questions which an aspirant must know before commencing the blood relation questions.

1) Relations from the father’s side are known as Paternal Relations.
(Paternal Grandfather, Paternal Grandmother, Paternal Uncle, Paternal Aunt etc.)
2) Relations from the mother’s side are known as Maternal Relations.
(Maternal Grandfather, Maternal Grandmother, Maternal Uncle, Maternal Aunt etc.)
3) Grandfather’s Father/Mother→Great Grandfather/Great Grandmother
4) Parents Father/Mother→Grandfather/ Grandmother
5) Parents→Father/ Mother
6) Children→Son/ Daughter
7) Spouse→Husband/Wife
8) Siblings→Brother /Sister (Siblings have same parents)
9) Cousins→Children of Uncle and Aunt.
10) Aunt→Mother’s sister, father’s sister, mother’s brother’s wife, father’s brother’s wife.
11) Uncle→Father’s sister’s husband, mother’s sister’s husband, mother’s brother, father’s brother.
12) Niece→Daughter of sister or brother.
13) Nephew→Son of sister or brother.
14) Father-in-law→Spouse’s father.
15) Mother-in-law→Spouse’s mother.
16) Brother-in-law→Sister’s husband, spouse’s brother
17) Sister-in-law→Brother’s wife, spouse’s sister
18) Son, Daughter of one’s children→Grandson/ Granddaughter
(Note: In this article in the questions, the circle represents females, the Quadrilateral represents males, the Double arrow represents the relation of spouse and the Single arrow represents the family relation between the interconnected persons.)

How do You Draw a Family Tree to Solve Blood Relation Problems?

A family tree is drawn according to the generations as shown in the diagram below. The quadrilateral represents the male, a circle represents the female, the double line represents the relation of the spouse and the single line represents all other relationships such as son, daughter, brother, sister etc. between the two or more persons. The diagram below is a sample diagram to understand how to draw a family tree diagram according to generations in further questions.

Family Tree

Purpose of Studying Blood Relationships

In this article, you can learn the basic to complicated concepts of blood relations that have been asked in every competitive exam as well as entrance exams such as Banking, RRB, SSC, Defence, CAT, DSSSB, CUET etc. We are giving you a concise knowledge of blood relations covering all types and practice questions.

Types of Blood Relation Problems

  1. Passage/Relation Based Blood Relation

  2. Coded Blood Relations

  3. Pointing-Based Blood Relation

Approach to Solve Blood Relation Reasoning Questions

1) In the beginning, you should draw a family tree to solve each type of question as it is the easiest way to solve the blood relations. Draw a family tree according to the generations as discussed above.

2) Try to solve the question by applying the information on yourself. Example: Hemant’s Mother = My mother.

3) Do not assume the gender by name if gender is mentioned then only you consider the gender. For example, My son’s child in this child can be anything either son or daughter.

4) Draw a family tree stepwise to solve the question quickly and accurately.

5) To learn blood relation reasoning tricks you should practice several questions.

Now let’s understand all of the types of blood relations in detail -

1) Passage/Relation Based Blood Relation

In such types of questions, a passage of information is given as a question related to various persons. You have to analyse the information and draw a family tree to determine the relation between the persons asked in the question.
Example 1:
Directions: Preeti is the only sister of Virat. Manoj is the son of Dileep, who is the husband of Maaya. Virat is the son of Devansh. Devansh is Manoj's father-in-law. How is Maaya related to Preeti?
1) Mother-in-law
2) Daughter-in-law
3) Sister-in-law
4) Mother

Draw the family tree as per the given instructions.
Following the instructions of the question, the family tree will be –
Family Tree

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male and the circular figure represents the female in the figure. So, Maaya is the mother-in-law of Preeti. Hence, the first option is correct.

Example 2:
K is the daughter of S. S is married to G. A is the only grandson of M. G is the son of M. A has one daughter H who is the only granddaughter of S. How is K related to A?

1) Sister

2) Mother's mother

3) Daughter

4) Mother's sister

Draw the family tree as per the instructions given to determine the relation.

Following the instructions of the question, the family tree will be –

Representation of family tree

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, K is the sister of A. Hence, the first option is correct.

2) Coded Blood Relations

In such questions, relations between the members are given as a code. A code can be any character such as a letter, number or symbol. Generally, it is analysed that codes given are in the form of symbols such as @, #, $,%, * etc. You have to decode the codes, analyse the information given in the question and determine the relation by drawing a family tree.
A + B means A is the brother of B;
A – B means A is the mother of B;
A × B means A is the husband of B;
A ÷ B means A is the sister of B;
A @ B means A is the son of B.

If U + V ÷ W – X × Y, which of the following statements is correct?

1) U is Y's husband's mother's brother

2) W, X and Y are sisters

3) V is the father of X's mother

4) Y is the wife of W
First, decode the symbols using the given information, and then draw the family tree per the instructions.

As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Family tree representation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, only the statement in the first option is correct. Hence, the first option is correct.

3) Pointing Based Blood Relation:

In such questions, one person indicates the other person in a picture or directly towards someone. The person in the pointed picture and the person who indicates are directly and indirectly connected with the chain of relations. You have to analyse the information in the question and by drawing a family tree determine the relation between the persons asked in the question.

Directions: Pointing towards a girl Amit says, she is his only daughter's father's paternal grandfather's granddaughter. Amit's father has no siblings. How is the girl related to Amit?

1) Granddaughter

2) Sister

3) Paternal grandmother

4) Mother

Draw the family tree as per the instructions given to determine the relation.

According to the given information, the family tree will be –

Picture of family tree

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, from the family tree, that girl is Amit's sister. Hence, the second option is correct.

Points to Remember in the Blood Relation-Based Problems

1) In the statement, if it is given that A is the son of B, the gender of B cannot be assumed unless it is mentioned or drawn in the statement.

2) Do not assume the gender of the person based on the name.

3) Focus on the given information as, the number of couples in the family, terms such as only sibling, only son/daughter or only child.

Read More: The candidates who are preparing for the upcoming entrance and Government exams can also refer to the links given below and master the reasoning ability section:

Practice Resources for Blood Relationships Questions

Following are the recommended sources for the practice of the questions of Blood Relations -

a) A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal

b) Analytical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey

c) Logical and Analytical Reasoning by A.K. Gupta

d) Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe

e) The candidates must practice blood relation reasoning questions with answers pdf and blood relation reasoning practice set available online to ace the topic blood relation.

f) The candidates must download the e-book of blood relation questions with solutions pdf given below for practice.
Blood Relation Questions with Solutions PDF

Question Weightage of Blood Relations in Competitive Exams

The number of questions based on blood relations varies from exam to exam -
1) Blood Relations questions asked in SSC exams i.e. SSC MTS, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, Steno - 2 to 3 questions.

2) Blood Relations questions asked in the Railways exam i.e. Group D, NTPC, JE, ALP etc. and banking exams - 2 to 3 questions.

3) Blood Relations questions asked in CUET, NMAT and other college entrance exams - 1 to 2 questions. Sometimes questions based on blood relation can be seen in CSAT and IB exams as well.

4) But sometimes it comes in the form of comprehension consisting of 4-5 questions in every competitive exam.

Note: The candidates must practice the blood relation reasoning questions with answers given below of each type.

Practice Questions Based on Passage/Relation Based Blood Relation

1. Directions: Bharti is the sister of Chavi. Avni is the mother of Bharti. Chavi is the wife of Dhruv. Dhruv is the father of Esha. Who is the maternal grandmother of Esha?
1) Dhruv
2) Avni
3) Chavi
4) Bharti
As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Family tree

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.
So, from the above family tree, Avni is the maternal grandmother of Esha. Hence, the second option is correct.

2. Directions: Bhanu is the sister of Chirag. Aryan is the father of Bhanu. Chirag is the brother of Dewan. Dewan is the husband of Esha. How is Esha related to Aryan?

  1. Daughter

  2. Sister

  3. Niece

  4. Daughter-in-law

As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Family tree

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.
So, from the above family tree, Esha is the daughter-in-law of Aryan. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

3. Directions: John is the father of Mary and Joseph is the son of Myra. Ishu is the brother of John. Joseph is the only brother of Mary. How is Myra related to Ishu?

1) Sister

2) Cousin

3) Wife

4) Sister–in–law

Draw the family tree as per the instructions given to determine the relation.

As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Family tree

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, from the above family tree, Myra is the sister–in–law of Ishu. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

4. Directions: A and B are a married couple. X and Y are brothers. X is the brother of A. How is Y related to B?

1) Brother-in-law

2) Brother

3) Son-in-law

4) Cousin


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Representation of relations

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, from the above family tree, Y is the brother-in-law of B. Hence, the first option is correct.

5. Directions: F is the brother of A. C is the daughter of A. K is the sister of F. G is the brother of C. Who is the uncle of G?

1) A

2) C

3) K

4) F


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Representation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, from the above family tree, F is the uncle of G. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

Practice Questions Based on Coded Blood Relation

1. Directions: If, B % D means B is the brother of D,

B & D means B is the mother of D,

B × D means B is the husband of D,

B # D means B is the sister of D,

B $ D means B is the son of D,

B @ D means B is the father of D.

So how is A related to E in the given expression?

A % D $ F # B % E × S

1) Husband

2) Nephew

3) Uncle

4) Brother


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Representation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, A is the nephew of E. Hence, the second option is correct.

2. Directions: P @ Q means P is the wife of Q.

P # Q means P is the brother of Q.

P % Q means P is the father of Q.

P – Q means P is the daughter of Q.

If Z – B % D % G, then how is Z related to G?

1) Z is the mother of G

2) Z is the sister of G

3) Z is the father's sister of G

4) Z is the daughter of G


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Image

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, Z is the father's sister of G. Hence, the third option is correct.

3. Directions: A + B means A is the brother of B;

A – B means A is the mother of B;

A × B means A is the husband of B;

A ÷ B means A is the sister of B.

If C ÷ B – E + A × F – D, then which of the following statements is NOT correct?

1) D is the daughter of B

2) C is the sister of the mother of A

3) F is the wife of the son of B

4) B is the mother of A


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Figure representing blood relation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

Let's check the options –

First option: D is the daughter of B – From the above family tree, it's clear that D is either the daughter or son of A and F. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

Second option: C is the sister of the mother of A – From the above family tree, it's clear that B is the mother of E and, E is the brother of A. So, B is the mother of A and E both. So, C is the sister of B, the mother of A. Therefore, this option is correct.

Third option: F is the wife of the son of B – From the above family tree, it's clear that A is the son of B, and F is the wife of A. So, F is the wife of the son of B. Therefore, this option is correct.

Fourth option: B is the mother of A – From the above family tree, it's clear that B is the mother of E and, E is the brother of A. So, B is the mother of A and E both. Therefore, this option is correct.

So, only the first option does not fulfil the relation as per the family tree. Hence, the first option is correct.

4. Directions: A + B means A is the sister of B;

A – B means A is the brother of B;

A × B means A is the father of B;

A ÷ B means A is the wife of B.

If A + B – C ÷ D × E – F, then which of the following statements is NOT correct?

1) C is the mother of F

2) E is the brother of B

3) A is the sister of the wife of D

4) A is the sister of C


According to the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Representation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

Let's check the options –

First option: C is the mother of F – From the above family tree, it's clear that E is the brother of F, and E is the Son of C. So, C is the mother of F as well. Therefore, this option is correct.

Second option: E is the brother of B – From the above family tree, it's clear that E is the brother of F, and B is the uncle of E. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

Third option: A is the sister of the wife of D – From the above family tree, it's clear that A is the sister of C, and C is D's wife. So, A is the sister of the wife of D. Therefore, this option is correct.

Fourth option: A is the sister of C – From the above family tree, it's clear that A is the sister of B and C. Therefore, this option is correct.
So, only the second option does not depict the correct relation, as per the family tree. Hence, the second option is correct.

5. Directions: A + B means A is the father of B;

A – B means A is the son of B;

A × B means A is the sister of B;

A ÷ B means A is the wife of B.

If H + I – J × K × L – M ÷ N, then which of the following statements is not correct?

1) H is the husband of the sister of K

2) J is the wife of the son of M

3) H is the husband of the sister of L

4) H is the husband of the daughter of M


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Representation of blood relation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

Let's check the options –

First option: H is the husband of the sister of K – From the above family tree, it's clear that J is the sister of K, and H is J's husband. So, H is the husband of the sister of K. Therefore, this option is correct.

Second option: J is the wife of the son of M – From the above family tree, it's clear that J is the daughter of M and H is the son-in-law of M. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

Third option: H is the husband of the sister of L – From the above family tree, it's clear that J is the sister of L, and H is J's husband. So, H is the husband of the sister of L. Therefore, this option is correct.

Fourth option: H is the husband of the daughter of M – From the above family tree, it's clear that J is the daughter of M, and H is J's husband. So, H is the husband of the daughter of M. Therefore, this option is correct.

So, only the second option does not depict the correct relation, as per the family tree. Hence, the second option is correct.

Practice Questions Based on Picture/Person Pointing Based Blood Relation

1. Directions: Pointing to a lady in a photograph, Meera said, "Her father's only son's wife is my mother-in-law". How is Meera's husband related to that lady in the photo?

1) Nephew

2) Uncle

3) Son

4) Father

As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Chart

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

According to the above family tree, Meera's husband is the nephew of that lady. Hence, the first option is correct.

2. Directions: Mohan said, "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother". How is Mohan related to that girl?

1) Grandfather

2) Husband

3) Father

4) Father-in-law


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Figure

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

According to the above family tree, Mohan is the father-in-law of the girl. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

3. Directions: Introducing a man, a woman said, "He is the son of my mother's brother's father's son". Then how is the woman related to the man?

1) Nephew

2) Brother

3) Son

4) Cousin


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

According to the above family tree, the woman is the cousin of the man. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

4. Directions: Pointing to a boy, Mrs. Anita said, "He is the only son of my paternal grandmother's only daughter's husband". How is the boy related to Mrs. Anita?

1) Nephew

2) Uncle

3) Sister

4) Cousin


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Figure

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

According to the above family tree, the boy is the cousin of Mrs. Anita. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

5. Directions: Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman said, "He is the only son of my mother's father." How is the woman related to the man in the photograph?

1) Niece

2) Sister

3) Daughter

4) Granddaughter


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Representation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

According to the above family tree, the woman is the niece of the man. Hence, the first option is correct.

Blood Relation Questions for CAT/ XAT/ MAT/ KMAT/ IPMAT/ UPESMET/ JIPMAT

1. Directions: If A + B means A is the brother of B; A % B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister of B. Which of the following means M is the uncle of P?

1) M % N x P

2) N x P % M

3) M + S % R % P

4) M + K % T x P


Let us break down each option and draw the respective family diagram

A) M % N x P

M is the N

N is the sister of P

B) N x P % M

N is the sister of P

P is the father of M

C) M is the brother of S

S is the father of R

R is the father of P

D) M is the brother of K

K is the father of T

T is the sister of P

Blood Relation Representation

It can be concluded from the above that only in Option (D) the required condition M is the uncle of P is met. Hence Option (D) is the right answer

2. Directions: The woman added, pointing at the man, "His mother is the only daughter of my mother". How is the woman related to the man?
1) Sister

2) Mother

3) Aunt

4) Grandmother


The statement, "the only daughter of my mother" indicates the lady herself, and the man is the son of that only daughter. Thus, that man is the son of the woman.

Hence, the second option is correct.

Blood Relation Questions for APICET/ TANCET/ CUET/ CLAT

1. Directions: Maya said, "My mother is the sister of Ranjeet's brother". What is Ranjeet's brother's relationship with her (Maya)?

1) Cousin

2) Maternal uncle

3) Uncle

4) Brother-in-law


As per the instructions, the family tree will be –

Representation of blood Relation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male and the circular figure represents the female in the above figure.

So, from the above, Ranjeet's brother is the maternal uncle of Maya. Hence, the second option is correct.

2. Directions: Pointing to a picture of a boy, Shreya said, "He is the only son of the man who is the father of my father's only son's son". How is the boy related to Shreya?

  1. Father

  2. Nephew

  3. Son-in-law

  4. Brother


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Representation of blood relation

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, from the above family tree, the boy is the nephew of Shreya. Hence, the second option is correct.

Blood Relation Questions for SSC/ RRB Exams

1. Directions: Pointing towards a man, Parkhi said, "He is the brother of my son's mother". How that man is related to Parkhi's husband?

  1. Nephew

  2. Uncle

  3. Son

  4. Brother-in-law


As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation diagram

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, the man is the brother-in-law of Parkhi's husband. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

Blood Relation Questions for Banking/ Insurance Exams

1. Directions: T + U means T is the mother of U;

T – U means T is the husband of U;

T ÷ U means T is the son of U;

T × U means T is the sister of U.

If M ÷ N + O – P, how is N related to P?

  1. Daughter

  2. Mother-in-law

  3. Father-in-law

  4. Sister



T + U ⇒ T is the mother of U

T – U ⇒ T is the husband of U

T ÷ U ⇒ T is the son of U

T × U ⇒ T is the sister of U

As per the given information, the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Diagram

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male, and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, N is the mother-in-law of P. Hence, the second option is correct.

2. Directions: A is B's brother, C is A's mother, D is C's father, and B is D's granddaughter. How is B related to F who is A's son?

1) Aunt

2) Cousin

3) Niece

4) Daughter


As per the given information the family tree will be as follows –

Blood Relation Diagram

Here, the quadrilateral represents the male and the circular figure represents the female in the figure.

So, from the above family tree, B is the Aunt of F. Hence the first option is correct.

For Non-Verbal reasoning read the topics below:

About the Faculty
Tanu Gupta, with over a decade of experience as a reasoning faculty, specializes in preparing students for various entrance examinations and career development. Her extensive work with multiple educational platforms and institutions has honed her expertise in logical and analytical thinking. Her dedication to innovative teaching methods ensures these articles provide practical insights and expert guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. In which exams are blood relations questions asked?

Blood relations are asked in almost all competitive exams like SSC, Railway, Teaching, Insurance, Defence, Banking, CUET, IPMAT and other competitive exams.

2. What are blood relations in reasoning?

Blood relations is a method of identifying the relationship between the members of a family.

3. Is blood relation topic difficult?

No, the level of the blood relation is easy to moderate. Mostly moderate questions are asked in exams and an aspirant can solve these questions in a very short time by drawing a family tree. Only in some exams like banking and entrance exams, some tricky questions can be asked but by practice, aspirants can solve those tricky questions in very little time.

4. How to ace the topic of blood relations?

To ace the blood relations understand the relationships in the family and practice the maximum number of questions of each type. With consistent practice, you can ace blood relations-based questions.

5. What is the weightage of blood relation in exams?

Blood relation questions are asked in SSC exams and weightage is 1 to 3 questions.
In the railways exam, 1 to 2 questions and in banking exams, 3 to 6 questions and in entrance exams it depends on the level and type of the exam. But 2 to 3 questions are expected in every exam.

6. What is the trick to solve blood relations?

The trick to solve the blood relation questions is that you have to draw the family tree to determine the relation between the members. 

7. How to solve blood relation in reasoning?

Follow the steps below to solve blood relation in reasoning:
1) In the beginning, you should draw a family tree to solve each type of question as it is the easiest way to solve the blood relations. Draw a family tree according to the generations as discussed above.
2) Try to solve the question by applying the information on yourself. Example: Hemant’s Mother = My mother.
3) Do not assume the gender by name if gender is mentioned then only you consider the gender. For example, My son’s child in this child can be anything either son or daughter.
4) Draw a family tree stepwise to solve the question quickly and accurately.


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