Figure Series: Meaning, Reasoning Questions with Answers, Tricks

Figure Series: Meaning, Reasoning Questions with Answers, Tricks

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 07, 2025 06:11 AM IST

Figure series in reasoning is a sequence of figures that follow a particular pattern and an aspirant has to identify that pattern to get the next missing figure in the figure series. Figure series is generally asked in many Government exams like SSC, Railway, Insurance, Defence and CUET, IPMAT and other competitive exams. Figure series reasoning problems are generally asked to check the problem-solving ability of the aspirants and whether an aspirant can solve the problem quickly by applying their logic. Figure series can be based on different geometrical shapes symbols, letters, numbers or pictures. In this article we will cover non verbal reasoning figure series, types of figure series reasoning, figure series questions, figure series completion etc.

This Story also Contains
  1. Types of Figure Series Reasoning
  2. Question Weightage of Figure Series in Competitive Exams
  3. Practice Question For Figure Series
  4. Figure Series Questions for BITSAT/ CUET/ IPMAT
  5. Figure Series Questions for SSC CHSL/ SSC STENOGRAPHER/ SSC CGL/ SSC CPO exams
  6. Figure Series Questions for Railway Recruitment Board Exams
Figure Series: Meaning, Reasoning Questions with Answers, Tricks
Figure Series: Meaning, Reasoning Questions with Answers, Tricks

Types of Figure Series Reasoning

There are the following types of figure series -

1. Missing Figure in a Series

2. Incorrect Order in a series

3. Wrong Figure in a Series

4. Three, Four or Five Figure Series

Let’s understand in detail all the types -

1. Missing Figure in a Series

In this type of figure series, a series of figures are given and a figure of series is missing and an aspirant has to find the missing figure by determining the pattern that follows in the given question figure. To solve these types of questions, an aspirant has to look into the series given and observe the changes from figure one to the next figure and so on and apply the same logic to get the required missing figure in the series.


Directions: Select the figure from the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the missing figure?

  1. Figure series

  2. Figure series

  3. Figure series

  4. Figure series

In the figure given, each alphabet covers half the distance in the anticlockwise direction. Follow the directions to find the next term.

Solution of Figure Series

Hence, the second option is correct.

2. Incorrect Order in Series

In this type of figure series, a figure series is given in the question and all the figures are numbered in terms of numbers or letters and an aspirant has to determine the correct order of the series.
Directions: In the series, figures are numbered (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). These figures are arranged in incorrect order. Determine the correct order of the series.

Figure series

  1. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5

  2. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2

  3. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4

  4. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5

The pattern of the series is as follows -

Figure Series

3. Wrong Figure in a Series

In this type of figure series, a series of figures is given in the question and an aspirant has to determine the wrong figure in the series.

Directions: Out of the following five figures, four are alike in some manner and one differs from these in that manner. Select the odd figure.

Wrong Figure in a Series

  1. Figure series

  2. Figure series

  3. Figure series

  4. Figure series


According to the given figures –

Figure Series

In Images first, second, third, and fifth, the half arrow is drawn to the right-hand side of the arrows at the other end of the line.

But in image 4, the half arrow is drawn to the left-hand side of the arrows at the other end of the line.

So, the fourth image differs from the other images, and the fourth image is given in the first option.

Hence, the first option is correct.

4. Three, Four or Five Figure Series

In this type of series, a series of three, four or five figures is given that follow a pattern and in answer, we have a set of answer figures. By following the same pattern an aspirant has to find the figure from the set of answer figures, that follows the same pattern as given in the question figure.

Directions: Which of the given figures when placed in the 5th position would continue the series that is established by the first four figures?

Find the next figure in the series

  1. Figure series

  2. Figure series

  3. Figure series

  4. Figure series


According to the given figures –

1. The shaded arrow is changing its position 90° in the clockwise direction.

2. The unshaded arrow is also changing its position 90° in the clockwise direction.

So, following the above pattern, the required figure will be as follows –
Figure series

Therefore, the figure in the second option is the required figure. Hence, the second option is correct.

Question Weightage of Figure Series in Competitive Exams

The number of questions based on analogy varies from exam to exam -
1) Figure series question asked in SSC exams i.e. SSC MTS, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, Steno - 2 to 3 questions.
2) Figure series question asked in the Railways exam i.e. Group D, NTPC, JE, ALP etc - 1 to 2 questions.
3) Figure series questions asked in CUET, NPAT and other college entrance exams - 1 to 2 questions.
4) The candidates must practice figure series questions pdf, figure series questions and answers pdf given below.
Figure Series Questions with Solutions PDF

Practice Question For Figure Series

The reasoning figure series questions, figure series SSC CGL, find the figure series questions and practice questions for various government and entrance exams are given below for the reference.

1. Directions: Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

Find the next figure in the series.

  1. Figure series

  2. Figure series

  3. Figure series

  4. Figure series

Follow the pattern to obtain the missing figure in the given series –

Figure series

Hence, the third option is correct.

2. Directions: Select the figure from the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the next figure in the series.

  1. Figure series

  2. Figure series

  3. Figure series

  4. Figure series


In the figure given, each alphabet covers half the distance in the anticlockwise direction. Follow the directions to find the next term.

Figure series

Hence, the second option is correct.

3. Directions: Select the figure from the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the next figure in the series.

  1. Figure series

  2. Figure series

  3. Figure series

  4. Figure series


Here the pattern is as follows —

1. In each box one more line with a circle at the corner has been added.

2. Each time the circle is added from the bottom to the top alternatively.

The following figure will complete the given pattern —

Figure series

Hence, the first option is correct.

4. Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the figure in the series.

  1. Figure Series

  2. Figure Series

  3. Figure Series

  4. Figure Series


According to the given question figure –

The figure given in each box is rotated by 45° in a clockwise direction.

So, following the above pattern, the required figure will be as follows –

Figure series

Therefore, the figure in the fourth option is the required figure. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

5. Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the next figure in the series.

  1. Figure Series

  2. Figure Series

  3. Figure Series

  4. Figure Series


Here the pattern is as follows —

In each box, one line at a time from right to left is flipped vertically.

Therefore, the complete series is as follows —

Figure series

Hence, the third option is correct.

6. Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


Here the pattern is as follows –

1. The shaded part is moving to the one block in a clockwise direction.

2. The line attached at the corner of the figure is moving in an anticlockwise direction.

The following figure will complete the given pattern –

Solution Figure

Hence, the fourth option is correct.

7. Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the next figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


Here the pattern is as follows —

In the given figure, the inner line of the hexagon moves one by one in a clockwise direction such as firstly it is from A to C, then it moves to A to D, A to E, B to D, B to E, and finally from B to F.

The following figure will complete the given pattern —
Solution figure

Hence, the first option is correct.

8. Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the missing figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


According to the given question figure –

The figure given in each box is rotated by 45°, 90°, 135°, and 180° respectively in clockwise direction.

So, following the above pattern, the required figure will be as follows –
Solution figure

Therefore, the figure in the third option is the required figure. Hence, the third option is correct.

9. Directions: Which of the given figures when placed in the 5th position would continue the series that is established by the first four figures?

Figure series

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


In the above-given figure series, each element shifts one position in an anticlockwise direction.

So, following the pattern, the required figure will be as follows –

Solution Figure

Hence, the second option is correct.

10. Directions: Out of the following five figures, four are alike in some manner and one differs from these in that manner. Select the odd figure.

Figure Series

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


In the given series, the symbols inside the figure box are in a set pattern. For each of the figures, the symbols are in sequence of star, circle, parallel lines, and hash in a clockwise direction. Only the fourth figure in the series does not follow the pattern. Thus, the answer figure is:

Solution figure

Hence, the third option is correct.

The candidates who are preparing for the upcoming entrance and Government exams can also refer to the links given below and master the non-verbal reasoning ability section:

11. Directions: Which figure from the given options would replace the question mark (?) if the following figure series were to be continued?

Find the figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


According to the given figures –

1. X and triangle interchange their positions at each step.

2. O and T interchange their positions at each step.

3. At each step, a new character/symbol is introduced which replaces the center element.

So, following the above pattern, the required figure will be as follows –

Solution Figure

Hence, the third option is correct.

12. Directions: Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

Find the figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


In the given figure, follow the directions to find the next term –

Solution Figure

Hence, the first option is correct.

13. Directions: Select a suitable figure from the answer figures that would replace the question mark (?).

Find the next figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


The movement of geometrical shape is as follows —

The top left corner shifted to the top right corner, the top right corner shifted to the bottom left corner, the bottom left corner shifted to the bottom right corner, the centre shifted to the top left corner, and the bottom left corner shifted to the centre.

Therefore, in the given figure the following pattern will complete the series –

Solution Figure

Hence, the second option is correct.

14. Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


According to the given question figure –

The number of crosses (x) on the right-hand side is reduced by 1 in each box, while the number of zeroes (0) is increased by 1 in each box.

So, following the above pattern, the required figure will be as follows –

Solution Figure

Therefore, the figure in the first option is the required figure. Hence, the first option is correct.

15. Directions: Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

Find the missing figure in the series.

  1. Figure 1

  2. Figure 2

  3. Figure 3

  4. Figure 4


In the given figure, follow the directions to find the next term –

Solution Figure

Hence, the third option is correct.

Figure Series Questions for BITSAT/ CUET/ IPMAT

1) Directions: Which figure should replace the question mark (?) if the series were to be continued?







In the given figure, follow the directions to find the next term –

1. An arrow at the centre is rotating 45° in the clockwise direction.

2. B is rotating by 90° in the anti-clockwise direction. Movement of B – Top left→Top centre→Top right

3. A greater than symbol is rotating 90° in the anti-clockwise direction. Movement of (<) symbol in every alternate box –

Bottom centre→Bottom left→Bottom right→Bottom left

So, following the above pattern, the required figure will be as follows –


Therefore, the figure in the fourth option is the required figure. Hence, the fourth option is correct.

2) Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.

Find the missing figure in the series.

Figure series

Figure series

Figure series

Figure series


According to the given figure series –

1. The '(' element in each figure is increasing alternately and subsequently shifting in the anticlockwise direction.

2. Only two such lines are being formed in the same direction.

So the answer figure is:

Figure series

So the series becomes:

Solution Figure

Hence, the first option is correct.

Figure Series Questions for SSC CHSL/ SSC STENOGRAPHER/ SSC CGL/ SSC CPO exams

1) Directions: Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

Find the next figure in the series.

Figure series

Figure series

Figure series

Figure series


In the given figure, alternate boxes are similar to each other.

Thus, the missing part of the figure is alternated to –

Solution figure

Therefore, the complete figure is –

Complete Figure Series

Hence, the second option is correct.

2) Directions: Select the figure from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.







According to the given figure series –

From Box 1 to Box 2 – The square becomes unshaded and shifts at the first position followed by the unshaded triangle at the second position and the circle at the third position. The symbol at the third position, i.e., the circle becomes shaded. The letter A is being increased by three, resulting in the letter D.

From Box 2 to Box 3 – The circle becomes unshaded and shifts at the first position followed by the unshaded square at the second position and the triangle at the third position. The symbol at the third position, i.e., the triangle becomes shaded. The letter D is being increased by three, resulting in the letter G.

From Box 3 to Box 4 – The triangle becomes unshaded and shifts at the first position followed by the unshaded circle at the second position and the square at the third position. The symbol at the third position, i.e., the square becomes shaded. The letter G is being increased by three, resulting in the letter J.

Similarly, from Box 4 to Box 5 – The square will become unshaded and will shift at the first position followed by the unshaded triangle at the second position and the circle at the third position. The symbol at the third position, i.e., the circle becomes shaded. The letter J will be increased by three, resulting in the letter M.

The following figure will complete the given pattern –


Hence, the fourth option is correct.

Figure Series Questions for Railway Recruitment Board Exams

1) Directions: Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

Find the next figure in the series.

Figure Series

Figure Series

Figure Series

Figure Series


According to the given question figure –

The triangle on the top left side is shaded alternatively while the image in the center remains unaltered.

Therefore, the following figure will complete the given series –

Solution Figure

Hence, the fourth option is correct.

Read more: The list of important verbal reasoning topics below.

About the Faculty
Tanu Gupta, with over a decade of experience as a reasoning faculty, specializes in preparing students for various entrance examinations and career development. Her extensive work with multiple educational platforms and institutions has honed her expertise in logical and analytical thinking. Her dedication to innovative teaching methods ensures these articles provide practical insights and expert guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the weightage of the questions of the figure series in the exams?

In the SSC exams around 2 - 3 questions have been asked every year whereas in other exams like Railways, CUET or Defence mostly 1 - 2 questions have been asked.

2. How many types of questions from the figure series are asked in the examinations?

There are a total of four types of figure series in nonverbal reasoning i.e. missing figure series, wrong figure in a series, incorrect order in a series, and three, four or five figure series.

3. What will be the level of the questions asked from the figure series?

The level of the analogy questions has been seen as easy to moderate in the examinations.

4. Is there any short trick to solve the questions based on the figure series?

No, there is no short trick to solve the questions based on the figure series.

5. What is the basis behind figure series?

A figure series is a succession of patterns in which the next pattern to be identified is consecutive to the previous one. Three- and four-figure series are highly useful for enhancing reasoning abilities and critical thinking.

6. Which figure complete the series?


  1. 1718805231329

  2. 1718805232392

  3. 1718805231368

  4. 1718805231855

In the figure given, each alphabet covers half the distance in the anticlockwise direction. Follow the directions to find the next term.


So, the second option completes the figure.

7. What is figure series in reasoning?

Figure series in reasoning is a sequence of figures that follow a particular pattern and an aspirant has to identify that pattern to get the next missing figure in the figure series.

8. How to solve figure questions?

 A series of figures are given and a figure of series is missing and you have to find the missing figure by determining the pattern that follows in the given question figure. To solve these types of questions, you have to look into the series given and observe the changes from figure one to the next figure and so on and apply the same logic to get the required missing figure in the series.


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