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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

This course teaches the basics of Industrial Pharmacy in a practical approach. It is done with easy and to-the-point explanation along with graphical, pictorial, and animated presentations. The objective of this course is to ensure the candidates who complete it can practice and identify dosage form, the manufacturing techniques, know the development of dosage form, formulate liquid, solid, and semisolid dosage forms, to inculcate the theoretical knowledge in the practical and professional need of the industry.

Under this course, the topics covered are the introduction, formulation, evaluation, and packaging materials science of tablets, performulation, liquid orals, capsules, parenteral, and ophthalmic products, the syllabus is approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and also adopted by the pharmacy universities and institutions throughout India. The pharmacy faculties looking to upskill themselves and Pharma professionals to perform better at their jobs can take up this course, even students from non pharmacy background can do this course.

To be certified in this course the candidates must take up the end of the term proctored exam.

The Highlights

  • 12 to 13 weeks course
  • Carries 4 credits
  • Online Classes
  • Learn from top faculty

Programme Offerings

  • Lectures
  • discussion based learning
  • quizzes
  • E-Knowledge Platform

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesHNBGU Garhwal

For the candidates looking to enrol for this course the fee details are given below: 

  • The course Industrial Pharmacy-I is for free of cost.

Fee details for Industrial Pharmacy-I



Total Fees


Eligibility Criteria

Certification Qualifying Details

The candidates will have to score 30% in the internal assessment and 70% in the Proctored exam as per the website.

What you will learn

Knowledge of Pharmaceuticals

After completing the course on Industrial Pharmacy-I, candidates will learn the below concepts:

  • Understand Dosage forms and their manufacturing techniques
  • Understand all the related and practical aspects of dosage form development
  • Formulate and evaluate solid, liquid, and semisolid dosage forms
  • To correlate the theoretical knowledge with professional and practical need of Pharmaceutical industry

Who it is for

The course is for the following candidates:

  • M Pharm/ B. Pharm/ Ph D Pharmacy students
  • Researchers
  • Pharma Industry Personnel /Pharmacy faculty members
  • Students studying  Pharm. Chemistry/ B Sc/ biotechnology/M Sc Chemistry
  • And students from other backgrounds who are looking to work in the Pharma industry or to conduct research.

Application Details

Learners who wish to enrol for this course should follow the step given below:

Step 1: Visit the website link -

Step 2: The candidates should for Swayam and login to the website using these details

Step 3: The candidates will have to wait till the registration process begins.

The Syllabus

Preformulation I
  • Preformulation I: Physical form (crystal & amorphous), 
  • Preformulation I: polymorphism, particle size, shape
  • Preformulation I: solubility profile (pKa, pH)
  • Preformulation I: Partition coefficient, flow properties

Preformulation II
  • Preformulation II: Hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction
  • Preformulation II: Racemisation, 
  • Preformulation II: Dissolution, permeability & BCS classification
  • Preformulation II: Polymerization

  • Tablets: Introduction, classification of tablets. Formulation/preparing of tablets, granulation methods
  • Tablets: Compression and processing problems. Equipment and tablet tooling, Tablet defects
  • Tablets: Tablet coating: Types, coating materials, formulation of coating composition, methods of coating,  equipments  employed and defects in coating
  • Tablets: QC of tablets: apparatus, methods, graphical presentations, official and unofficial tests

Liquid Orals
  • Liquid orals: Formulation and manufacturing of solution, syrups and elixirs, Filling and packaging
  • Liquid orals: Emulsions: I
  • Liquid orals: Emulsion II
  • Liquid orals: Suspensions: Formulation, evaluation

Parenterals I
  • Parenterals I: Introduction, Preformulation of parenteral
  • Parenterals I: Formulation of Parenterals

Parenterals I
  • Parenterals I: Types of Parenteral preparation
  • Parenterals I: Layout and Production facilities

Parenterals II
  • Parenterals II: Pyrogens and pyrogenicity
  • Parenterals II: Quality control of parenteral

  • Capsules: Introduction, Advantages, Disadvantages, Capsule Production, hard Gelatin capsules
  • Capsules: Methods of filling capsules, Soft Gelatin Capsules
  • Capsules: Formulation Consideration, Production of soft gelatin capsules, Non-gelatin soft capsules
  • Capsules: Evaluation of commercial capsules

Pellets and Ophthalmic Preparations
  • Pellets: Introduction, formulation, pelletization process, equipment needed
  • Ophthalmic Preparations: Introduction, absorption through eye, formulation considerations
  • Ophthalmic Preparations:  formulation of eye drops, lotion, ointments
  • Ophthalmic Preparations:  Methods of preparation; labelling, containers Evaluation

Pharmaceutical Aerosols
  • Pharmaceutical Aerosols: Definitions, Advantages, Limitation, Uses
  • Pharmaceutical Aerosols: Components of aerosols
  • Pharmaceutical Aerosols: Components and systems of aerosols
  • Pharmaceutical Aerosols: inhalers and  Evaluation of Aerosols

  • Cosmetics: Introduction, absorption through skin, types of cosmetic preparations, Formulation of toothpaste
  • Cosmetics: Formulation of lipsticks,  shampoos, hair dyes  
  • Cosmetics: Formulation of cold cream and vanishing cream, sunscreens

Packaging Materials Science
  • Packaging Materials Science: Materials used for packaging of pharmaceutical products, 
  • Packaging Materials Science: Factors influencing choice of containers Legal and official requirements, Stability aspects,
  • Packaging Materials Science: Quality control tests of packaging materials


HNBGU Garhwal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Are the courses offered by Swayam of good quality?

Yes, the courses are of good quality and are administered by nine National Coordinators.

2: How can I interact with the faculty?

The candidates can interact with the faculty through the discussion forum.

3: Is Swayam an initiation by the Government?

Yes, Swayam is an initiation by the Government of India with the motto to bridge the gaps of the digital divide in the country.

4: Is this course free of cost?

Yes, this course is free but the proctored exam includes an exam fee.

5: Is there any eligibility criteria for the course?

The information regarding this is available on the course website. Anyone looking to gain knowledge in the area of industrial pharmacy can enrol.

6: Is the course contents industry related?

Yes, the course will give the candidates the practical knowledge required for the industries.

7: Is there any exam for this course?

Yes, there is an end term exam that the candidates must take to qualify for the exam.

8: What are the tools used in teaching?

The course is taught using online videos, presentations, Audio-video knowledge, and discussion forum.

9: What comes under the internal assessment?

The quizzes and the discussions carried out through the discussion forum forms the part of internal assessment.



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