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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Isn't it interesting to learn in-depth about the place you live in? Earth, an ellipsoid-shaped planet of life existence has thousands of mysteries and a lot many individuals like us are very much keen to know beyond our syllabus taught in our geography classes. 

If you are a person who wants to know about our planet, solar system, what causes what, about life existence, rotation, revolution, it's relation with the universe, how the universe works and so many more interesting questions, then this Swayam Earth System Science course for you is perfect!

The Earth System Science course is free of cost and will be a great learning experience for all the learners who want to set up their skill sets by learning about how Earth and the Universe works. This is a 100 percent online learning programme with free of cost course material. The video content is also available for course pedagogy. The candidate will also get a certificate after successful completion of the course.enroll

The Highlights

  • Free of cost course material
  • Credit Framework for online courses
  • Certificates Awarded
  • Video content for course pedagogy
  • Online discussion community
  • 100% Online learning access
  • Study material in downloadable format
  • Practical tests

Programme Offerings

  • Online Forums
  • Instructors with 40+ years industry experience
  • Certification
  • Free course material
  • Doubt Clearing Sessions
  • credits awarded

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesJNVU Jodhpur

Eligibility Criteria


There are no mentioned eligibility criteria for opting for the Earth System Science course. Though, the learners have to be undergraduate in Science-related subjects to be able to understand the course material. Having a B.Sc in Geology or B.Tech in Metallurgical Science can help immensely. 

Certificate Qualifying Details

Most courses on Swayam are offered free of cost. The course is spread across 12 weeks and you are required to score a minimum of 40 percent marks in the examination apart from the assignments (which carry a weightage of about 30 percent) to be eligible for certification.

An e-certificate will be offered after successful completion of the course.

What you will learn

Knowledge of science

If you possess an interest in the Earth system and in knowing beyond what you see around you, then this course is just right for you. From a plethora of learnings, some of the many things which you will learn after the completion of the Earth System Science course are:

  • About the Earth
  • How it works
  • Solar System
  • Earth's rotation and revolution
  • Shape, age, and size of the Earth
  • Hydrosphere
  • Biosphere
  • Universe
  • Plate tectonics
  • Atmosphere
  • Weather system
  • Land-air-ocean interaction 
  • Tectonic history of India

Who it is for

The course is for the people who want to have an in-depth knowledge about our planet and how it works, who are as follows - 

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Scientists

Admission Details

Swayam's admission details are quite simple, the learners have to enrol themselves in their preferable course and learn it from anywhere around the world.

The Course Certificate will have the logos of IIT Kharagpur and NPTEL. The study course material is absolutely free of cost but if you need certification for the opted course, you have to pay the certification exam fee.

Application Details

To register for the certificate examination organised by Swayam:

Step 1: Log on to SWAYAM Online portal

Step 2: Existing users select ‘Sign In’ and new users should ‘Sign Up’ on the Swayam portal.

Step 3: Enter personal details including your name, email ID, and password or log in using your Microsoft, e-mail, or Facebook account.

Step 4:  Select the ‘Join’ option to enrol yourself in the course. 

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to various branches of Earth Sciences
  • General characteristics and origin of the Universe, Solar System and its planets. The terrestrial and Jovian planets – 1
  • General characteristics and origin of the Universe, Solar System and its planets. The terrestrial and jovian planets – 2

  • Meteorites and Asteroids
  • Earth in the solar system - size, shape, mass, density, rotational and revolution parameters.
  • Earth in the solar system - origin, age of the earth.

  • Earth’s magnetic field. Formation of core, mantle, crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
  • Convection in Earth's core and production of its magnetic field. Mechanical layering of the Earth (Interior of the Earth)
  • Concept of plate tectonics, sea-floor spreading and continental drift

  • Geodynamic elements of Earth- Mid Oceanic Ridges, trenches, transform faults and island arcs
  • Origin of oceans, continents, mountains and rift valleys
  • Earthquake and earthquake belts – 1

  • Earthquakes and earthquake belts – 2
  • Volcanoes- types, products and their distribution
  • Oceanic current system and effect of Coriolis force

  • Concepts of eustasy and Land-air-sea interaction
  • Wave erosion and beach processes
  • Atmospheric circulation

  • Weather and climatic changes
  • Earth's heat budget
  • Soils- processes of formation, soil profile and soil types – 1

  • Soils- processes of formation, soil profile and soil types – 2
  • Understanding the past from the stratigraphic records. Nature of stratigraphic records. History of development and concepts of uniformitarianism, catastrophism and neptunism. Laws of superposition and faunal succession.
  • Standard stratigraphic time scale and introduction to the concept of time in geological studies

  • Introduction to geochronological methods and their application in geological studies
  • Introduction to geomorphology of the Indian subcontinent
  • Introduction to geology of the Indian subcontinent – tectonic history

  • Introduction to geology of the Indian subcontinent – Precambrian Geology
  • Introduction to geology of the Indian subcontinent – Phanerozoic geolog
  • Cosmic abundance of elements

  • Distribution of elements in solar system and in Earth
  • Chemical differentiation and composition of the Earth
  • General concepts about geochemical cycles and mass balance, isotopic fractionation

  • Mass conservation of elements and energy changes in the geochemical cycle
  • Biosphere
  • Geochemical behavior of major elements

Evaluation process

The aspiring candidates who want to get the Certificate for their opted course, have to register themselves and sit in the offline examination conducted by Swayam at the designated centres. 


JNVU Jodhpur Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Who can take the Earth System Science course?

The course is for all the aspirants who want to learn about Earth and its related phenomena. There's absolutely no criteria about who can or cannot opt for this course though, you should be an undergraduate. This course will make you knowledgeable about the universe and about its functioning.

2: Can we trust Swayam as an online learning platform?

Undoubtedly, Swayam as a learning on-line platform is trustworthy, highly recognised, and approved for online courses.

This is a Government Certified Platform and has national coordinators like NCERT, AICTE, IGNOU, etc.

3: How will the students get certificates?

The candidates have to register themselves for the Certificate Examination at a desirable cost and then attend the offline examination at their preferred location.

4: Will the learners be able to use their Swayam scores as University credentials .?

Yes, the candidates will be able to use their scores as University Credentials. Swayam is approved by MHRD.



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