48 MonthsDiploma in Electrical Engineering is a Part-time four-year diploma course offered by Maharishi University of Information Technology, Lucknow.
10th examination with at least 35% marks for General/OBC/PH/EWS/SC/ST b) Lateral entry: (i) 10+2 examination with Physics/ Mathematics/ Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Electronics/ IT/ Biology/ Informatics practices/ Biotechnology/ Technical Vocational Subject/ Agriculture/ Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies/ Entrepreneurship (Any of the three) with at least 35% marks for General/OBC/PH/EWS/SC/ST (ii) 10+2 year ITI with appropriate trade with at least 35% marks for General/OBC/PH/EWS/SC/ST.
Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, Guwahati Via Swayam
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