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Gibbs energy change and Criteria for equilibrium

Gibbs energy change and Criteria for equilibrium

Edited By Shivani Poonia | Updated on Oct 04, 2024 07:25 PM IST

Gibbs free energy is also known as Gibbs function, Gibbs energy, or free energy. Gibbs free energy is a thermodynamic quantity. Gibb's free energy was discovered by an American scientist Josiah Willard Gibbs in the 1870s. His formulation of free energy and his contribution to statistical mechanics laid the principles for thermodynamics and chemistry.

Gibbs free energy change is a state function and an extensive quantity that depends on the number or quantity of the substance. Gibbs free energy is the amount of energy that is available to do work. This energy is associated with the chemical reaction that can be used to work at constant temperature and pressure.

Gibbs Energy Change

It is a thermodynamic quantity that is used to predict the spontaneity of the reaction means whether the reaction can occur or not. It can only be concerned with changes in G values rather than its absolute value.

Mathematical Explanation Of Free Energy Change

It was introduced to relate H, and S and to explain spontaneity. According to J. Willard Gibb's Free energy of a system is defined as the maximum amount of energy available to a system during a process that can be converted into useful work.

or It is the thermodynamic quantity, especially characterizing the system, the decrease in whose value during a process is equal to the useful work done by the system.

It is denoted by G and it is given mathematically as follows:



H = Enthalpy

T = Absolute Temperature

S = Entropy

Also, we learned that


Therefore, Free energy change at constant temperature and pressure is given as:



At standard conditions that is, 298 K and 1 atm pressure


It is called the Gibbs equation and it is used to explain the criterion of spontaneity, driving force, etc.

It is a state function and an extensive property.

Gibb's Free Energy Change for a Reaction

For a general reaction, it can be given as follows:


This requires the exact same treatment as ΔH or ΔS

Gibb's Free Energy Change for small changes in a Reversible process



Using equations (1) and (2), we can write


Putting these values in the above expression (3), we have

Note: Remember this important formula for small changes in dG values

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Some Solved Examples

Example.1 The incorrect expression among the following is :

1) ΔGsystem ΔStotal =−T
2)isothermal process Wreversible =−nRTln⁡VfVi
3) (correct) ln⁡K=ΔH∘−TΔS∘RT
4) K=e−ΔG∘/RT


As we learned,
and ΔG∘=ΔH∘−TΔS∘
Thus, we can write

Hence, the answer is the option (3).

Example.2 For a particular reversible reaction at temperature T,ΔH and ΔS were found to be both +Ve.

If Te is the temperature at equilibrium, the reaction would be spontaneous when-

1) T=Te

2) Te>T

3) ( correct) T>Te

4)Te is 5 times T


Gibb's free energy (Δ G)

At equilibrium ΔG=0
Hence, ΔG=ΔH−TeΔS=0
∴ΔH=Te⋅ΔS or Te=ΔHΔS

A spontaneous reaction ΔG must be negative which is possible only if ΔH<TΔS

This will happen when T > Te.

Hence, the answer is the option (3).

Example.3 Standard entropy of X2,Y2 and XY3 are 60, 40, and 50 J K-1 mol-1, respectively. For the reaction,

12X2+32Y2→XY3,ΔH=−30 kJ to be at equilibrium, the temperature will be

1)1000 K

2)1250 K

3)500 K

4) (correct)750 K


For a reaction to be in equilibrium


For reaction
12X2+32Y2→XY3,ΔH=−30 kJ

Calculating ΔS for the above equation, we get
ΔS=50−[12×60+32×40]=−40JK−1 mol−1

Thus at equilibrium,
T×(−40)=−30×1000 T=−30×1000−40=750 K

Hence, the answer is the option (4).

Example.4 ΔfG0at 500 K for substance ‘S’ in liquid state and gaseous state are +100.7 kcal mol −1 and +103 kcal mol−1 , respectively. Vapour pressure (in atm) of liquid ‘S’ at 500 K is approximately equal to : (R=2 cal K−1 mol−1 ):

1) (correct)0.1





ΔG of equilibrium ΔG0=−2.303RTlog⁡Kc At Equilibrium ΔG=0 and Q=KcΔGReaction o=103−100.7=2.3kcal=2.3×103calΔG∘=−2.303RTlog⁡Kp2.3×103=−2.303×2×500log⁡Kplog⁡Kp=−1 Kp=10−1=0.1 atm

Hence, the answer is an option (1).

Example. For the reaction

A(l)→2B( g)ΔU=2.1kcal,ΔS=20calK−1 at 300 K Hence ΔG in kcl is −−−−

1) (correct)-2.7 Kcal

2)3.3 Kcal

3)- 3.3 Kcal

4)2.7 Kcal


We know:

Thus, we have:

On putting the given values we get:

Hence, the answer is the option(1).


The spontaneity of the reaction is determined by the Gibbs free energy change. spontaneity means whether the reaction can occur or cannot occur. A reaction is said to be spontaneous when the value of free energy change is less than zero or negative. A reaction is said to be nonspontaneous when the value of free energy change is more than zero or positive.


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