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Le Chatelier's Principles on Equilibrium

Le Chatelier's Principles on Equilibrium

Edited By Shivani Poonia | Updated on Sep 30, 2024 11:44 AM IST


This principle was discovered by the Le Chatelier a French chemist Henri Louis Le Chatelier in 1884, And this principle tell us that the change of equilibrium conditions by change any physical parameter such as temperature , pressure and the concentration of the reaction. In this principle we get to know the shift of equilibrium and attaining the equilibrium at the different position if the standard condition of the reaction disturbed. Le chatelier introduced this principle to predict the changes in any chemical equilibrium conditions, which is very important in determining the optimum chemical reactions and in lab it also need for maintaining the equilibrium

Le Chatelier's Principles on Equilibrium
Le Chatelier's Principles on Equilibrium

Henri Louis Le Chatelier's discovery of the principle was based on his observations and experiments with chemical equilibria. He was interested in understanding how equilibrium systems respond to external changes .Le Chatelier was influenced by the work of other scientist an them he discovered this principle and the scientists are Claude Louis Berthollet abd Joseph Louis Gay Lussac after studying there thoery le chatelier made his principle. Le Chatelier extended their findings and provided a general rule for predicting how concentration, temperature, and pressure changes affect equilibrium. The basis of the principle is rooted in the concept of dynamic equilibrium, where the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate, and any change in conditions will shift the equilibrium position to counteract the disturbance, thus maintaining balance. The principle states that if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions of the system (such as concentration, temperature, or pressure), the equilibrium position will shift to counteract the disturbance and restore a new equilibrium. In other words, if a system at equilibrium experiences a change, the equilibrium will adjust in a way that partially opposes the change.

Le Chatelier Principle On Equilibrium

It is defined as the ratio of the concentration of products to the concentration of the reacting species raised to their stoichiometric coefficient at any point of time other than the equilibrium stage. It has the same expression as that of the Equilibrium constant except that the concentration values are at any instant. Mathematically, it can be determined as follows:

If we consider a reactionmA+nBpC+qDQ=[C]p[D]q[A]m[B]n
Q can be denoted as Qc or Qp if we use concentration in terms of a mole per liter or partial pressure respectively.

The value of Q is useful to determine the direction in which the equilibrium will shift at any instant for a particular set of activities of the species involved.

  • When Q = K, the reaction is at equilibrium, and the rate of forward and backward reactions is equal.
  • When Q > K, the reaction will proceed or favor a backward direction. This means products convert into reactants to attain equilibrium.
  • When Q < K, the reaction will proceed or favor the forward direction. This means that the reactants convert into products to attain equilibrium.
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Relation between K, q and ΔG

ΔG= Change in Gibbs Free energy
ΔG0= Change in Gibbs Free energy under Standard Conditions
Q= Reaction quotient

Now, we know that

Putting this value in equation (1)
ΔG=RTlnKeq +RTlnO
which can be simplified to

From Equation (2) it is clear that
- When Q=Keq ,ΔG=0 and the reaction is at equilibrium
. When Q<Keq ,ΔG<0 the reaction will move in the forward direction
- When Q>Keq ,ΔG>0 the reaction will move in the backward direction

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Some Solved Examples

1. For the reaction, A+B3C at 25o C, a 3-litre vessel contains 1,2,4 mole of A, B and C respectively. Find the Reaction quotient.



3) (correct)10.66




A+B3C Before reaction, [A]0=1/3[B]0=2/3[C]0=4/3 Thus, Q=[C]03[A]0[B]0Q=43×3×333×1×2Q=646=10.66

Hence, the answer is the option (3).

2. The standard Gibbs energy change at 300 K for the reaction 2AB+C is 2494.2 J. At a given time, the composition of the reaction mixture is [A] = 1/2, [B] = 2 and [C] = 1/2. The reaction proceeds in the:

1)forward direction because Q>KC
2) ( correct) reverse direction because Q>KC
3) forward direction because Q<KC
4) reverse direction because Q<KC


The standard Gibbs energy change at 300 K for the reaction 2AB+C
Q>KC thus the reaction moves in the backward direction.

Hence, the answer is the option (2).

3.The Ksp for the following dissociation is 1.6×105.

Which of the following choices is correct for a mixture of 300m, 0.134 M 4 Pb(NO3)2 and 100 mL 0.4 M NaCl?

1) Q<Ksp
2) (correct) Q>Ksp
3) Q=Ksp
4)Not enough data is provided

The Ksp for the following dissociation is 1.6×105.


So, Q > Ksp

Hence, the answer is the option (2).

4. Which of the following reaction proceeds nearly to completion?

2) H2CO3HCO3+H+Kc=8.4×107
3) CaCO3Ca2++CO3Kc=8.4×109
4) (correct) H2+Br22HBrkc=5.4×1018Solution

As we have learned

The composition of the equilibrium mixture when Kc > 1000 -

If Kc > 103, products predominate over reactants i.e. if Kc is very large, the reaction proceeds nearly to completion.


Reactions a,b, and c have a Kc value less than 103, but reaction d has a value greater than 103. We can say this reaction proceeds to completion.

Hence, the answer is the option (4).

5. In which one of the following reactants predominates over products?

2) H2+Br22HBrkc=5.4×1018
3) ( correct) N2+O22NOkc=4.8×1031
4)both a and b


As we have learned

Composition of equilibrium when Kc < 0.001 -

Reactants predominate over products i.e. If Kc is very small, the reaction proceeds rarely.

- wherein

e.g. N2+O22NOKc=4.8×1031In Kc is very small then reaction proceeds rarely or say, reactant predominates over product.

Hence, the answer is the option (3).


Le Chatelier's principle are those principle whose invention tells us the equilibrium shift of any reaction by change the concentration of reactant and the product. If the temperature is decrease equilibrium shifts to the forward direction in any exothermic reactions. If you increase the pressure on a gaseous system, the equilibrium will shift toward the side with fewer gas molecules. It helps us to predict the reaction shift and how changes in conditions will affect the position of equilibrium in chemical reactions. And also optimizing reactions: will assist in adjusting reaction conditions to maximize yields in industrial processes.

It also has several benefits in chemistry such as reaction control allows chemists to control and optimize chemical reactions for desired outcomes. It also helps in improved Efficiency in various industries such as it enhances the efficiency of industrial processes by adjusting conditions to favor the formation of products. Le Chatelier principle also has its application in providing analytical insight into reaction dynamics and mechanisms, aiding in the design of experiments and understanding reaction behavior.


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