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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

The course is about the technology used in preparing the fermented cheese ice-cream and its by-products so that these attract the customers with interest. The course makes the candidates know the current trends in this type of technology so that producers can make them with ease. The course also enlights the candidates about the development lifecycle of the process so the candidates can learn with applicative skills

With the changes in technology from past to current day, technology is used for every task of human need. Technology is becoming advanced from stage to stage so that it is becoming familiar with cooking as well. Fermentation makes the product tastier and free from bacteria so that there are no side effects to the user. Besides users will experience tastier and prefer those type of products  by proper preparation and usage of technology

The course is offered by Swayam and the course is conducted by the government to give the users the best quality of education in the online mode.

The course is explained by high professionals and experts who are familiar with respective courses. The certificate will be very helpful to the candidate  to get hired in the company

The Highlights

  • Electronic Course completion certificate
  • Digital learning 
  • Certificate shareable ahead 
  • The course duration of 16 weeks 
  • Certification from Swayam
  • Certificate provided by the government 

Programme Offerings

  • online video
  • audio
  • Multimedia lectures
  • quizzes
  • Course study materials
  • Practice assessment tests
  • Online discussion forum

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority

Eligibility Criteria


The candidate can be a student from any recognized institute or university for availing of any credits. But it is not mandatory Therefore no other prerequisites are required

Certification qualifying details

Candidates should have a minimum of 50% qualification to get the certificate. Otherwise, the candidate will not get a certificate of completion. 

What you will learn

Knowledge of Microbiology

Candidates will learn the following things after the course comes to an end. 

  • To prepare the pure form of fermented products and technology involved in these types of products
  • Types of dairy products that are used in technology during the preparation
  • The types of by-products that are obtained after the completion of the process

Who it is for

The course can be taken by anyone with their interest regardless of any certain qualifications and eligibility criteria.

Application Details

The following steps are to be followed by the candidate to get admission into the programme:

Step-1: The candidate should visit the website of the programme.

Step-2: Candidate should sign up and log in to get verification of the candidate

Step-3: If the registration link is there candidate should click the link and apply to the programme

Note: There is no registration link available for the programme and the candidate will be notified as soon as possible after mentioning of the registration link

The Syllabus

  • Introduction to Microbiology
  • Physico-Chemical properties of milk
  • Milk composition  and its constituents

  • Principle and method of manufacture of fermented dairy products: Dahi, Lassi, Yoghurt, Shrikhand, Dahi, Misti
  • Starter cultures and  nutritional importance of fermented milk
  • Packaging and storage of fermented milk

  • Principles and method of manufacturing of cheese: cheddar, mozzarella, and pasteurized processed cheese products

  • Principle and method of manufacture
  • Definition, composition, classification, and standards
  • Softy and novelties- definition, legal standards, Method of manufacture, composition
  • Packaging, storage, hardening, transportation, and common defects

  • Buttermilk and Ghee Residue
  • New technologies in By-product utilization(membrane processing-Reverse osmosis and ultra-filtration)
  • Skim milk-Casein and Caseinates
  • Whey-Whey Beverages, whey powder, lactose, and whey protein concentrates


IGNOU Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Can I get job assistance training with this programme?

No, the Swayam course does not provide job assistance to the candidates. Instead, it can make the candidate capable of acquiring skills that are useful for getting a job

2: What is the duration of the course?

Candidates can learn and complete the course within the 16 weeks of the programme. Otherwise, the candidate’s account will get deactivated

3: Can I have any projects for this course?

No, candidates will be impacted with practical knowledge through online video lectures. But no availability of the project for this course.

4: What is the syllabus for the qualifying exam?

The qualifying exam consists of the course syllabus. Other than this no external questions will be asked in the test and the exam is asked at diploma level 

5: Can I continue the course after the duration?

No, the candidate will be given a particular duration of time only to complete the course and the duration time is cannot prolonged

6: How can I get my doubts clear?

The programme makes the availability of online discussion forums to make their doubts clear. Also, candidates can contact the guide through email to clear their doubts

7: Can I retake the exam if I am not qualified for the exam?

Yes, a candidate can retake the exam as many times as he can but he/she should pay the fee. Otherwise, he/she cannot attend the exam.

8: What skills can I acquire through this programme?

Candidates can acquire theoretical skills through study materials, application skills through online video lectures, and practical skills through self-assessment tests.

9: Can I re-attend the classes if I skip the classes?

Yes, candidates can fix their schedule to re-attend the classes. Because the classes are recordable and downloadable. Therefore candidates can listen to the classes in their free time.



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