The college can accommodate 45 boys in 15 rooms. The hostel is equipped with a kitchen, dining hall, common room, bathrooms (4) toilets (4), and guest room. The rooms are furnished with beds, fans, and tables. The facilities available to boarders are T.V., Magazines and Newspapers, Indoor games, Cricket, Hockey, volleyball, and football.
The college can accommodate 150 girls. The hostel is equipped with a kitchen, dining hall, border room, bathrooms (4) toilets (6), and guest room. The rooms are furnished with beds, fans, and tables. The facilities available to borders are T.V., Magazines, and Newspapers.
The College Library has nearly 24000 books in the general section and 5000 books in the Book Bank.
The college has a departmental-based laboratory facility for the students. Physics Department, Chemistry Department, Botany. Department, Zoology Department.
The college has an excellent IT Infrastructure facility for the students.
The college has a canteen facility for staff and students.
The college has a sports facility for all the students. Hockey Ground with bar fixed, Football Ground01, Cricket Pitch 01, basketball ground with fiberboard (Cemented Court).
The college has a gym facility for all the students.
The college has guest house/waiting room facilities for visiting faculty and student family members.
The college has a health center with a first aid facility for the students.
The college has a convenience store facility for students. (like, photocopying facility and stationery, etc.)
The college has a parking space facility for its faculty, staff, and students.