NEET College Predictor
ApplyKnow possible Govt/Private MBBS/BDS Colleges based on your NEET rank
NEET College Predictor 2025 - All India & State Counsellings
Course | Category | Opening All India rank | Closing All India rank |
MBBS | General - | 138878 | 909887 |
It totally depends upon college to college wheather it is private or government institute the fees charges in private university for mbbs is between 20 lakh to 1.5 crore and for the government institute it is between 20000 to 60000.most colleges like AIIMS, delhi university charge very nominal fee around 2000 with hostel fees.
Many private college are not reliable so it is recommended that go for neet secure good marks and secure your seat in government college they will pay you back.
Know possible Govt/Private MBBS/BDS Colleges based on your NEET rank
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