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Yes, they are different.

Software engineering is inherited from computer Engineering.

Computer Engineering will involve various aspects of ICT, while software engineering deals with the design of softwares to perform tasks.

Software engineering is not programming. But a software engineer and a computer engineer have relatively high amounts of programming knowledge but might not be dedicated to it.

Both of them have common subjects but are used in different areas with different technology and knowledge.

Computer Engineering (CE)

It mainly focuses on designing, developing and operating computer system. Making a device (computer) to do something workable.

Working with digital hardware devices is core concept in CE.

CE emphasizes solving concerns related to hardware - software interface.

Software Engineering (SE)

SE teaches to deal with building and maintaining software systems.

Compared to CE, SE is more software oriented. Complete software development process from just an idea to actual product will be covered under SE.

Thankyou, I hope it helps, feel free to approach for further queries

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