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Area of Irregular Shapes

Area of Irregular Shapes

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 29, 2024 04:27 PM IST

Polygons with five or more sides and varying lengths are considered irregular shapes. To calculate the area, further shapes or figures can be broken down into triangles, squares, and quadrilaterals.

Irregular Shapes

Shapes classified as irregular don't have equal sides or angles. An irregular shape's area is the entire area that it occupies on a two-dimensional plane. An irregular shape's area can be calculated by dividing it into several regular shapes like triangles, squares, and rectangles. By adding the areas of those smaller shapes, we can then determine the total area.

It is more difficult to determine the area of irregular shapes than it is for polygons or regular shapes. The area of any irregular shape can be estimated using a variety of techniques, though. Here, you will discover two crucial techniques for calculating the area of given irregular shapes.


The area of a shape can be defined as the amount of space it occupies in two dimensions. It is a way to count how many unit squares completely encircle the surface of a closed figure. The Latin origin of the word "area" is "a plain piece of empty land." Additionally, it refers to "a specific area contained within a set of boundaries. "The accepted unit of area is the square unit, which is frequently expressed as square inches, square feet, etc.


A polygon is a geometric shape with a finite number of sides in two dimensions space. The sides of a polygon are made up of end-to-end straight-line segments. Thus, the line segments of a polygon are referred to as its sides or edges. The intersection of two line segments, where an angle is formed, is referred to as a vertex or corner. Any closed shape with a minimum of three sides is a polygon. A circle is a plane figure as well, but because it is curved and lacks sides and angles, it is not regarded as a polygon.

Area Of Irregular Shapes

The amount of space that an irregular shape occupies is its area. Shapes without equal sides or angles are referred to as irregular shapes. An irregular shape's area can be calculated by breaking it up into several familiar shapes, adding the areas of each, and then computing the total area.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Area of Irregular Shapes?

The amount of space occupied by an irregular shape is referred to as the area of irregular shapes. Shapes without equal sides or angles are referred to as irregular shapes.

2. What is an Area?

A shape's area is a two-dimensional quantity that can be expressed in square units such as square inches, square feet, square yards, etc.

3. How Can We Find an Area of Odd or Irregular Shapes?

It is possible to determine the area of an irregular shape by dividing it into several regular shapes, adding their respective areas, and then determining the overall area.

4. What Distinguishes the Area of Irregular Shapes From the Area of Regular Shapes?

An irregular shape can be any size and length, while a regular shape has equal sides and angles. As a result, the area of regular shapes can be calculated by applying the appropriate formulas directly, while the area of an irregular shape can be calculated by breaking the irregular shape down into several regular shapes. And then adding these areas together.

5. Is there a simple way to determine an irregular shape's area?

The simplest way to determine the area of an irregular shape is to count the number of squares that cover it entirely if the shape can be drawn or traced on grid paper.


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