When to apply for diploma at thapar university
From a distance it is a good choice to complete diploma from thapar and then get lateral entry. But seats offered in lateral entry are less. And there is no garuntee you would get a lateral entry until unless you are one of the top students of your class.If you are in 10th and i assume you are then do not go for diploma. From my personal experience diploma gave me some knowledge but degraded my mathematical skills. It is all theory and little maths. And B.tech if you do from a reputed college or a very good university requires good mathematical and problem solving skills.After students who go for lateral entry find it difficult to cope up in btech. Some how you clear btech ,but you will be in a difficult situtaion if you apply for any technical government job. or try to give exams like GATE or NET So do regular 12th and after that try thinking about it.. or you can follow first narrative..and have to work really hardfor the rest of your life
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