can migration certificate works in place of transfer certificate in EAMCET counseling??
Migration certificate and transfer certificate are not same. Migration certificate is issued by the university after finishing university exam. The certificate is used when you change your board or university.Transfer certification means to take admission in different college with in your course duration with same course and university.
You need following documents during EAMCET counseling :
- TS EAMCET 2021 rank card
- Valid mobile number
- Date of birth
- Email ID of the students
- TS EAMCET 2021 admit card
- Valid photo attested identity proof
- Marksheets of Class 6 to the qualifying degree
- Transfer certificate(TC) from the last school attended
- Caste or category certificate, if applicable
- Residence certificate for the proof of local status
- Certificates like EWS, sports, etc. if applicable.
I hope this helps.