kcet 2022 they will ad our board marks also and what about droppers they will add or not
For KCET 2021, your 2nd PUC marks won't be considered. That is, you will be getting your rank purely based upon your marks in KCET 2021. Even if you have taken drop in the year 2020 and going to appear for KCET 2021, your 2nd PUC marks won't be considered for your KCET 2021 rank.
Now there has been no official announcement regarding the ranking criteria for KCET 2022 as in if they are going to consider your 2nd PUC marks as well for KCET 2022 rank. You will have to wait for the official announcement regarding the ranking criteria for KCET 2022.
So keep checking the official website of KCET for more updates.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck.