After Doing Diploma in Gujarat Can I do CSE in IIT Bombay??
I am so sorry to tell you that diploma students are not eligible to appear foe jee mains or advanced engineering entrance exam and hence you are not eligible to get admission in IIT BOMBAY with any branch.
Good luck.

Yeah definitely you can, but here you need to understand how you will. Inorder to enter in to the IIT Bombay for the, since you are a diploma candidate, first you have to appear for the JEE mains and then after the respective category cuttoff you have to write the JEE Advanced and based upon your fetched marks and depending upon the cuttoff of that respective department, you will be able to take the admission as a Class 12th passed candidate. This way you have to follow, so you need to focus more on the preparation of IIT-JEE and that doesn't matter from where you have done your diploma.
All the best