are there two kinds of ews certificate state government and central government please reply
EWS central (those who are not SC,ST,OBC) etc and EWS Maharashtra state (those who are not SC,ST,OBC,SBC,NT,SEBC,) etc..
Hello Aspirant!
Following instructions are issued in consultation ‘with’ Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and Department of Legal Affairs regarding reservation for EWSs not covered under the reservation scheme for SCs/STs/OBCs in respect of direct recruitment in civil posts and services in’ the Government of India.
Quantum of Reservation
The persons belonging to EWSs who, are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in direct recruitment in civil posts and services in the Government of India.
Exemption from Reservation
“Scientific and Technical” posts which satisfy the conditions mentioned shall be exempted.
Criteria for Income & Assets
Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and whose family has a gross annual income below Rs 8 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation. Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.
Also, persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family income:-
- 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
- Residential at of 1000 sq ft. and above;
- Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
- Residential, plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
Income and Asset Certificate Issuing Authority and Verification of Certificate
Benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset Certificate issued ‘by any one of the following authorities in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-I shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as ‘belonging to EWS.
Effecting Reservation – Maintenance of Rosters
Department of Personnel and Training had circulated Office Memorandum No.36012/2/96-Estt(Res) dated July 2, 1997, regarding the implementation of post based reservation roster. The general principles for making and operating post based reservation roster would be as per the principles laid down in the said Office Memorandum.
Adjustment Against Unreserved Vacancies
A person belonging to EWS cannot be denied the right to compete for appointment against an unreserved vacancy. Persons belonging to EWS who are selected on the basis of merit and not on account of reservation are not to be counted towards the quota meant for reservation.
Fortnightly/Annual Reports Regarding Representation of EWS
The Ministries/Departments shall send single consolidated fortnightly report including their attached/subordinate offices beginning from 15.2.2019 as per format at Annexure-VL -. From 01.01.2020, the Ministries/Departments shall upload data on the representation of EWSs in respect of posts/services under the Central Government on the URL i.e. www.rrcps.nic.inas on 1st January of every year. All Ministries/Departments have already been provided respective user code and password with guidelines for operating the URL.
Hope this helped you out