best mech que for interview? #engineering
hi dk
They start questioning what they want you to answer.Some of the questions are...
1. Why we do not use same technology to start both SI/CI engine?
2. Which one is more efficient? A four stroke engine or a two stroke and why?
3. 4 Stroke engine is more efficient primarily Because of the presence of
valves which precisely control the flow of charge into the chamber and exit the
exhaust gases with proper timing which is hard to achieve by ports in a 2
stroke engine.
4. Why there is no differential in a train. What happens when a train takes a
5. A cantilever beam is loaded a point on its ends what will be the effect in
shear force?
6. Why vehicle does not move when its gear is applied though parked in slope
7. What is shear force in fluid particle?
8. How gear ratio helps in power variation?
9. What is the angle of twist in drill?
10. What is the difference between impact force and sudden force?
11. How to calculate the turbine efficiency?
12. Why centrifugal pump casing is called involutes casing?
13. What will happen if reciprocating compressor run in exactly opposite
14. What is the effect of clearance volume in performance of air- compressor?
15. What is the advantages and disadvantages of critical speed of turbine?
16. What will happen if oil is mixed with boiler feed water?
17. What is difference between fan and blowers?
18. What are the protections required to protect turbine?
19. what is critical temperature?
20. Air is a bad conductor of heat. Why it becomes hot in summer?
hope u like the answer