That is a legitimate problem to have in mind before making any job decisions, and I appreciate you raising it.
If your goal is to be a researcher, you will need a PhD following your BS-MS and 2–3 years of post-doc experience before you can join an institute as a faculty member; faculty members in these institutes are, however, required to teach as well.
For different professor positions at IISER Pune, this is the starting pay. - Pune-based IISER
And here you can discover IIT professor salaries - how much does an IIT professor make?
For a middle-class, comfortable lifestyle, Pay is reasonable, and it improves with experience and rank in the Institute. There are also various extra perks, such as faculty housing and travel reimbursement. However, it will take 6–8 years after the BS-MS until it is achieved.
You will get a Ph.D. stipend while pursuing your doctorate, and you will continue to make money throughout your post-doctoral years. As a result, you will be well-paid for the six to eight years you have left before becoming a faculty member. In Europe, I believe, Ph.D. and Post-Doc students get a high stipend; nonetheless, it is best to do a google search on the subject to be certain.
Even though these stipends will allow you to get by on your own, whether you can save enough money to send home for financial assistance is another matter entirely. To be perfectly honest, although the answer varies from person to person and also depends on the money you get and the cost of living in the location where you do your Ph.D. as well, the fact is that it will not be smooth or easy if you want to pursue a Ph.D.
If you do not want to go into academia and solely perform research, I am assuming you want to work at a government lab or an R&D lab for industry. Because you will not need a postdoc, you may join directly after your PhD, saving you 2–3 years of time in academia. The salary is also often more than what you earn in academia because I know very little about Industry research, so I will only depend on Google for now.
There are a variety of paths you may pursue after BS-MS if you want to leave a career in science research. The following options will all get you a respectable job with respectable benefits:
Become an instructor in a coaching institute.
Some IISER students choose to pursue an MBA, while others go for the UPSC route.
Engage in the business world by joining one of the many companies out there. Software companies are ideal for those who have developed coding talents, whereas physicists may choose one over the other.
Communication of scientific information and science journalism.
Be a part of the government's research efforts by joining ISRO, DRDO, and other institutions.
Become a member of RAW. I know a physics MSc who was asked to join RAW's intelligence department, although I am not sure how it happened. Also, some physicists have been known to work for the CIA.
A solid career opportunity for applied mathematicians is in finance or economics; for physicists or applied mathematicians, a good alternative is in data science
Although this list is far from complete and I am sure there are omissions, the idea is that after BS-MS, you will be free to pursue whatever career path you want and will not be stuck in a dead end.
If you are asking if you can work any job and make enough money to support your family, the answer is yes. I mean, hundreds of IISER alums already do that, so you should know the answer just by looking at them.
To enhance your thoughts and perspectives at IISER, you must be passionate about science and engaged in research. Once you arrive, you will be flooded with possibilities and ideas.
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