BSC 1st year computer science syllabus
Hi there,
Bsc computer science is a three year undergraduate course. It is divided into six semesters.
Syllabus for 1st year is following:
Semester 1 ( Theory)
Fundamentals of computer organisation and Introduction to embedded system.
Programming with Pyhtons -1
Linux Fundamentals
Discrete mathematics
Descriptive statistics and Introduction to probability
Soft skills development
whole syllabus of theory ( except soft skills development) and Algorithms and programming with C
Semster 2 ( Theory)
Database management system
Programming with python-2
Data structure
Linux server aadministration
Statistical methods
Green technologies
Whole syllabus of theory except Green technologies
Hope it helps you
Good luck!
Hello hello !!
I hope you are safe. According to your query, i would like to mention the first year computer science bsc syllabus. In first year , there are two semesters and according to that the course of practicals are also different . I will provide you a link where you can find the syllabus of complete bsc. Here , it is :
I hope this will be helpful.
Revert back if i miss something.
Good luck !!