B.Tech CSE in KIIT vs Manipal(MIT) who offers more average package ? and which college has more number of DREAM COMPANIES FOR BTECH CSE ??
Between KIIT and MIT, MIT college provides more median package offered to the students which is 6.20LPA. For KIIT the median package is 4.20 LPA and the maximum salary offered is 39 LPA. , B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering, had the highest placement rate of 75 percent . As per MIT's Placement data which is released by MIT, for the academic year 2018-19 160 companies visited the college for campus recruitment drive. ITES and core sector companies participated in the placement drive. Some of the top recruiters who visited the campus includes the list as follows :
Microsoft IDC
MRF Ltd.
MU Sigma
Novartis Healthcare
Nutanix Technologies
Samsung R&D, Noida
Ugam Solutions
And according to the placement data for the year 2019 from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, the total of 220 companies visited the placement drive campus. top recruiters who visited the campus includes the list as follows
Top Recruiters:
- Ramky Enviro Engineers
- RDC Concrete
- Reliance Industries
- Robert Bosch
- Rockwell Automation
- Samsung R&D
- SG Analytics
- Shapoorji Pallonji.
- Shriram Transport Finance Company
- Simplex Infrastructure
- Skylark Drones
- Soroco India
- Standard Chartered
- Steel Strips Wheels
- Sterling & Wilson
- Swiggy
- Tata Power
- Tata Projects
- Tata Steel
- Tata Steel Processing & Distribution
- Tata Technologies
- Tavant Technologies
- Tavisca
- Tech Mahindra
- Tega Industries
- TEK System Global Services
- Texas Instruments
- The Sanmar Group
- Thermax
- TM International Logistics
- Tom Tom
- Tudip Technologies
- TVS Motors
- UltraTech Cement
- Umanga Group
- UXReactor
- Vaaman Engineering
- Endurance International Group
- Ericsson
- Escorts
- Essar Power
- Essar Steel
- Everest Industries
- Evive Analytics
- Factset
- Fiat India Automobiles
- Fortum India
- Future Supply Chain Solutions Ltd
If you have any queries regarding this,feel free to ask here in comment section.
1.KIIT -The average salary package offered will be 4.5 LPA-5.5LPA . Amazon, Dell, HP, HCL, Deloitte, PwC, KPMG and all good companies offer placements to students here. Review of KIIT School of Engineering. Placements : The percentage of students who got placed was somewhere around 90 to 95%.
2.Manipal- The highest salary package offered is 12 LPA , and the average salary package offered is 7.5 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered is 4 LPA. Top recruiting companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Maruti, Honda, Mercedes, TCS, Bell Textron, ZS , etc., visit our campus for placements.
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In terms of companies visits and placements , MIT Manipal is far more better than KIIT. Number of Companies visit these colleges varies every year, so it is quite difficult to predict the exact number be it for product based companies or service based companies.
Some of the top common Product based companies visiting MIT Manipal every year are -
Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Bosch, Honeywell, Toshiba, Microsoft, Sandisk, SAP Labs, Sapient, Schneider Electric, Shell Technologies, Siemens Technology, Samsung, Mercedes Benz, Maruti, McAfee etc.
Click at this link to know more about MIT Manipal- https://www.careers360.com/colleges/manipal-institute-of-technology-manipal
Click at this link to know more about KIIT - https://www.careers360.com/university/kalinga-institute-of-industrial-technology-bhubaneswar
Hope this was helpful.