By checking the answer key of ts lawcet 5 year 2019 I'm getting 30 so can i take admission in law college by management??
Candidates who will appear for the test will be able to check the result of TS LAWCET 2019 in online mode on June 2nd , 2019 .
Post announcement of result of TS LAWCET 2019, the university will publish a merit list ranking candidates on the basis of their marks in the entrance test. The university will also publish cut offs after releasing the merit list. Candidates mentioned in the merit list will be called for the counselling round provided if they meet the cut offs. The merit list and the counselling procedure will be conducted on the basis of candidates scores mentioned in the TS LAWCET result 2019.f
After the merit list, the university will also publish cut offs for all categories. Candidates mentioned in the merit list will be called for counselling if they fulfil the cut offs.It is important for candidates to attend the counselling round physically and undergo the document verification process to finalize their admissions in the university.
Candidates will have to enter their registration number, date of birth, and roll number.
The university will not entertain requests for revaluation or rechecking of the results.
The result will be valid for the session 2019-2020 only.
Candidates should note that requests for revaluation/rechecking of TS LAWCET result 2019 will not be entertained by the university. It is advised that candidates download and retain their TS LAWCET 2019 result till the time of admission for further references.
hiversity will adopt the following mechanism to break the ties between those candidates who secure the same marks in the entrance test.
Firstly, the marks obtained by candidates in Part C in the entrance test will be taken into account.
If the tie still exists, then the marks in Part B will be considered.
In case the tie is still not resolved, candidates senior in age will be considered for a higher rank.
For any further information , please comment below .
All the best !
Thank you so much for considering us for your queries. As per your I would say it would better if you check out the link below it has expected cut off taht might help you to come to a conclusion. And than if have any more questions to ask than please drop a comment.
Best of luck for your future endeavours.