can anybody plz tell me what is qualification mark required to join a deemed university for neet???
To be eligible to get seat in a deemed university you need to score the minimum cut off mark as given by the authority but just scoring minimum cut off may not give you decent chances of getting seat in a deemed univerisity.Cut off is different for each college and it changes over the years.Considering 2019 cut off you need to score minimum 580 or above to have decent chances of getting seat in a deemed university if you belong to general category and in case you belong to any reserved category you need minimum 400 or above.As said before cut off may increase or decrease depending on difficulty of exam, number of candidates appeared, number of seats available etc.
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as per the neet eligibility criteria candidate must pass 12th course with physics, chemistry, biology/ biotechnology, the qualifying marks criteria for general category candidates is 50% marks in pcb in aggregate, for sc/st/obc category candidates marks criteria is 40%. if you have any particular college in mind you may ask in comment section.
neet cutoff score varies from college to college, for example to admission in
GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam general category closing score was 481, for obc 418, for st- , sc-317
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