Can anybody tell me which option is good after 12th , bsc it or comp. Science engineering
Hi Pranay
Thanks for asking
Listen every body has there own option and own reason for saying any of these branch as the best.All the branches which you have mentioned are the best.But if i have to select anyone branch out of these then i would love to take CSE as my branch.CSE is the most preffered branch now a days as it helps a students to have the knowledge of a lot of computer languages and use it in software development,application purpose,games,etc,etc......At last i would like to say choose any of these branch as all are good branches.
Hope this was helpful.

B.Sc. Computer Science is 3 years of Graduation course while BTech is 4 years of Graduation course after which you will get Engineer's Degree.
Benefits ofB.Sc. Computer Science:
If you have some Social responsibility (like financial issue, family need or relocation issue) and you would like to finish your graduation as early as possible then you may select B.Sc as it will be completed in 3 years instead of 4 years in case of B.Tech. Also course contents and syllabus level is somewhat easier than that of B.Tech, so you may spare some good amount of time for other responsibilities or commitments.Fees are less compare to B.Tech course.If you are specifically interested to study computer science and you are not getting admission in B.Tech Computer Science (or similar type of branch as CS) then you can go through BSc CS where you can learn your interested kind of subjects. Moreover after completion of BSc CS, you are eligible for applying in MCA (which can be considered as equivalent to B.Tech CS)
Benefits of B.Tech.:
You will get more technical exposure in B.Tech. compare to B.Sc. CS. Moreover, First year of B.Tech course comprises of Basic knowledge of various Engineering fields like Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer, Mathematics, etc. Which can be very helpful in your career.If you get selected for B.Tech in CS then undoubtedly you will be getting better course contents and deeper knowledge of Computer science and its subjects.B.Tech will offer wide career options and decent future than B.Sc. CSIf you get admission in a good B.Tech college / university then you will be having a good platform to develop your technical skills and knowledge at State or National level; if you are capable enough.My personal vote goes for B.Tech but, situation and view are different for person to person. So you have to decide what is better for you.
If you put your best efforts in study and if you really deserve then I believe any of above courses will offer you a bright future.
All the Best
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