Can i take english sanskrit economics commerce in best four subjects with no deduction to have ba hons in du .. plz do reply fast ?
No, you can not get admission without the deduction as you are from commerce background, and you are opting for a change in stream i.e BA. Acc. tp the criteria of DU there is a deduction of 2.5 % whenever you change the stream.

First of all, you don't have political science as one of your four subjects. This will lead to an automatic 2.5 percent discount.
Second of all, you also have Sanskrit as one of your subjects. You will need to have another core subject in place of either Sanskrit or English since both are language subjects as recognised by List A of Delhi University.
Make these changes, and you are good to go! Good luck!

Now, considering you want to go for Political Science, you have no option but to have your marks deducted since you don't have the subject in your best of 4 or anyway, all subjects list. This way, your best of 4 score will be calculated. Tell me your scores, and I shall calculate it for you if you want.
Maths 93
Economics 90
Comnerce 99
English 95
Sanskrit 98
Class 12th maeks are here
Maths 82
Economics 91
Commerce 98
English 97
Sanskrit 99
Please calculate my bfs bro and could you please tell my bfs with deduction and without deduction
Best 4 without deduction (Eng, Sans, Commerce, Eco) - 96.25 percent.
Best 4 with deduction - 93.75 percent.
However, in the above calculation I have included two language subjects (English and Sanskrit). In some colleges of DU, they only allow one language to be included in best of 4. In that case, you will have to include Mathematics in place of English, because you have better marks in Sanskrit--
Best 4 without deduction (Sans, Commerce, Eco, Math) - 92.5 percent.
Best 4 with deduction - 90 percent.
A deduction of 2.5 percent has been used for all the cases. Deduction of 5 percent happens only when you want to pursue a language course in college.
Now, in the 2nd case, if they don't allow you to use 2 languages in bfs, then write a complaint letter to the Vice Chancellor of the University. Chances are your complaint will be listened to, and rectified. Good luck.