Can part time or full time bsc physics degree affects on job opportunities
Answer (1)
There are several options forB.Scin Physics if and only if you choose to pursue higher study. Otherwise mere graduate degree is just sufficient for couple of govt. jobs. Anyway coming back to the point
You can apply for JAM (55% is minimum required in BSc for applying in JAM) and can go for a master degree from any IITs. Not only in Physics but also you can apply for Energy science. However if these are the pros then the cons are that evenM.Scin Physics is not enough to get a job from IITs.
Its very bitter truth that once you land yourself in general science stream, the only way to survive is higher study. Although it is not always possible for every student nce you land yourself in general science stream, the only way to survive is higher study. Although it is not always possible for every student due to several valid reasons but I would strictly advice you to go for PhD.
During your masters you should apply for internship in reputed and premiere institutes in India and abroad. This will add another feather in your resume and also can help you to apply for Phd in that institute later some time.
Nowadays AICTE has some bizarre rules for selecting faculties in any institute. So, if you dont have any other options then only change your stream else continue the same flow.
You can apply for JAM (55% is minimum required in BSc for applying in JAM) and can go for a master degree from any IITs. Not only in Physics but also you can apply for Energy science. However if these are the pros then the cons are that evenM.Scin Physics is not enough to get a job from IITs.
Its very bitter truth that once you land yourself in general science stream, the only way to survive is higher study. Although it is not always possible for every student nce you land yourself in general science stream, the only way to survive is higher study. Although it is not always possible for every student due to several valid reasons but I would strictly advice you to go for PhD.
During your masters you should apply for internship in reputed and premiere institutes in India and abroad. This will add another feather in your resume and also can help you to apply for Phd in that institute later some time.
Nowadays AICTE has some bizarre rules for selecting faculties in any institute. So, if you dont have any other options then only change your stream else continue the same flow.
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