can someone please give me a short few lines on online education system which is going on right now in our country what are your thoughts about this online coaching classes
Hello Student ,
As we know all the schools , colleges and all working institutes are closed due to corona pandemic but we cannot deny our duty so to make it in daily routine , online education system has been launched for everyone . Most of the long distance students can get benfit of it by online education . On the other hand it allows phsically challenged students more freedom to participate in class.
Whereas if we will focus on its disadvantages then , some subjects cannot be taught online like public speaking , surgery , dental hygiene , sports where physical movement and practice are required . This can be taugh only by face face to conversation .
Hope it will help you !
If you are looking towards its advantages then , it will teach you time mangement as nowadys teachers asks us to be at right time else they are going to lock the meeting !
Further for disadvantages most the students are suffering from technical issues and as most of the students used to play games or use any other social media.
And main disadvantages are most of the family who are not rich cannot afford mobile phones to their childrens so those childrens will have to suffer a big loss in their education system during this pandemic .