can we write upsc exam in kannada language?
the UPSC IAS Prelims Exams has a question paper which contains questions of the objective type, so in that there are only two languages availably, English and Hindi. But for the UPSC Mains Exam you can answer in Kannada language as it is accepted by UPSC, however the questions will be given in English or Hindi language, hence it is required that you have minimum knowledge in these language.
You can check all the details regarding UPSC from the link below
UPSC prelims exam is an objective exam and prelims question paper is only printed in Hindi and English language, mains is the subjective exam and you can write UPSC mains exam in Kannada language, as Kannada is one of the language that is accepted by UPSC, the mains question will also be in English and Hindi only unless you are answering compulsory Language paper, so try practicing question paper available in English language so that it won't create any hurdle during the exam.
Hope this helps, all the best.