central academy school prayagraj fees structure
The fees structure of Central Academy School, Allahabad {Prayagraj} is different for different classes and streams. The monthly fees for Class 10 for the Session 2021-22 is 3,270 and the total fee amounts to 39,320. The monthly fees for Class 11 and 12 with Computer/Physical Education- PCB/PCM Stream for the Session 2021-22 is 4,820 and the total fee amounts to 57,840. The monthly fees for Class 11 and 12 with PCM/PCM + Hindi, Commerce Stream for the Session 2021-22 is 4,120 and the total fee amounts to 49,440. The monthly fees for Class 11 and 12 with Commerce with Hindi Stream for the Session 2021-22 is 3,420 and the total fee amounts to 41,040. The academic year starts from the month of April and ends in the month of March in the next year.
Hope this helps...