Competition in getting pass in cat examination
All the best.
Hello Khushi,
In 2017, the number of candidates that registered for CAT were 2,31,067. Out of which 1,99,632 appeared for the examination. In 2016, the registered number was slightly higher 2,32,434 while only 1,95,000 appeared for the examination. I feel these number indicate a lot of competition.
Generally the CAT Examination is considered to be the universal examination for getting into good management institutes. Every college has its cut-off for being eligible for admission. If you are aiming for IIMs, it is must to score well in CAT examination. I suggest you not worry about the competiion and get worried; focus on the preparation and you will do good.
Good Luck.
Dear student,
By your query, i understood that you must be asking the Cut-off marks for CAT examination. It depends on various factors such as total number of test takers, difficulty level of the exam, total number of seats, etc. Candidates who are planning to appear for CAT 2018 exam must qualify the sectional as well as the overall cutoff in order to get shortlisted for the next rounds of the selection process – WAT-GD/PI. CAT is conducted every year by IIMs on a rotational basis for admission MBA/PGDM course offered by IIMs and 100 other top B-schools in the country.
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I hope this helps!
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