Current situation of engineering field???(Ece,cs)
Muthu it isn't about the situation of the engineering field it is about the college/university you are pursuing the course from .
I'll give you an exmaple to get you familiarised to what i am talking about
consider a student from any random private college offering engineering , a student from that college gets his/her degree adn sits for the placement and gets placed for let say 3 lakhs ctc . On the other hand a student of IIT Delhi who just passed out with average grades adn sits for thr placements and gets placed for lets say 30 lakhs ctc . The current situation of the field for the one with a 3lakh ctc would be bad than the one who got placed at 30 lakhs ctc. The situation is good ece,cs are booming sectors of the engineering sector .
Hope it helps.