Difference between govt/Pvt Vs. Deemed university
dear student
The main area of differences between a deemed university and a private University is in the norms that is required to be followed. The private Universities have to follow a lot of norms and regulations which the Deemed universities don’t.
The main difference between a private and a deemed university is that, a deemed university is more free and flexible as compared to the Private Universities. A deemed university is a college or institution with a name of the university.
The Deemed University is a university that has the right to carry on its own educational affairs. This includes the conduct of examination and set up of the syllabus. However, the private Universities have to consider a particular time for all the colleges under it.
hope this helps
all the best!!!
Hello sunil
We have already answered to this question before .You can check the answer by following the given link : https://www.careers360.com/question-what-is-difference-between-deemed-university-and-private-mbbs-college
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