Difference between phillipines mbbs and Russian mbbs which is best to choose and why?
Answer (1)
There's no much difference in both of them.
They both are listed in the top 10 ranked colleges.
Difference is phillipines is the 2nd top country for MBBS and Russia under somewhere in the 5th list.
It is obviously best to go for phillipines because it provides the best education.
If you want to go for Russia then it is even fine there's no problem in it.It even provides best education.
But if you want to go best among them then rating goes for Philippines.
Hope this was helpful.
Best of luck
Thank you
There's no much difference in both of them.
They both are listed in the top 10 ranked colleges.
Difference is phillipines is the 2nd top country for MBBS and Russia under somewhere in the 5th list.
It is obviously best to go for phillipines because it provides the best education.
If you want to go for Russia then it is even fine there's no problem in it.It even provides best education.
But if you want to go best among them then rating goes for Philippines.
Hope this was helpful.
Best of luck
Thank you
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