Diploma in bakery and confectionery and diploma in food production, which one is best ?

kusum 9th May, 2022
Answer (1)
Anchal Bal 9th May, 2022

Hello Dear Candidate,

Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery is a 1-year diploma level program in confectionery and Patisserie study. Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery can be undertaken by candidates who have completed their 10+2 examination or an equivalent examination in any relevant discipline.

Diploma in Food Production:-

Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery comprises internship, theoretical and practical study. The average program fee for Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery ranges between INR 25,000 to 50,000, which will differ for different institutions and colleges.

Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery:-

The job profiles after the course Diploma in Bakery and Confectionery are commis baker, artisan baker, bread baker, head baker, manager, apprentice baker, pastry chef, assistant baker, decorator, supply chain management, maintenance manager, bakery specialist, etc.

Hence, Food Production is a better option. Baking, one of the oldest professions in the world, is a very dynamic and innovative culinary technique used for making bread and confectioneries. Baking is the process of cooking food through dry heat which is usually done in an oven, hot ashes or hot stones.

Hope it helps.

Good Luck!!

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