Discuss the organization and finance of education in vedic period
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From the Vedic age downwards the main conception of education of the Indians has been that it is a source of illumination that gives a correct lead in the various spheres of life. The history of ancient Indian education extends over several centuries, so we naturally come across different types of educational organizations in different ages.
Private teachers:
In the ancient period, the followers of different Vedas had no doubt formed their own literary organizations like the Parishads, and the Chararias, but curiously enough these do not seem to have ever made any concerted effort to form educational institutions, which would hand down to the next generation the literature of which they were the custodians. Private teachers have all along been the sheet anchor of the educational system.
Rise of Organized Institutions :
Corporate educational institutions were first evolved in ancient India in connection with Buddhist monasteries.
Organization of Buddhist Universities:
We can get a fairly good idea of the organization of Buddhist Universities from the accounts handed down to us about Nalanda and Vikramsiila, which were typical of their class. The whole establishment used to be in charge of a famous abbot (bhikshu). He was usually elected by the members of the Sangha.
The education system was very free. It was free from the rich, and rulers of the state. The Gurukulas or Pathsalas were autonomous institutions where the teachers enjoyed full academic freedom. There were no organized classes or grades. The resident of the teachers was their classroom. There was no separate building for classrooms. Fees are free for the students and the teachers teach the students without any salary.
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