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Dear Dharvish,
Architecture Rank list will be prepared by giving equal weightage to the score obtained by candidates in the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) conducted by the Council of Architecture and the grade/marks obtained in the Qualifying Examination (Plus Two or equivalent).The candidates who wish to include in the Architecture Rank list shall have to submit the marks obtained in the Plus Two or equivalent Qualifying Examination and the NATA score through the website
Candidates can enter the home page through ‘KEAM 2019-Candidate Portal’ in the above website by giving their Application Number and Password. Then by clicking the Menu Item ‘B.Arch Mark Submission’, the marks data can be submitted as per the instructions there in. After entry of marks, confirmation has to be done by candidates by clicking on ‘Finalise Mark Data’ button. Then the candidate should upload the PDF formats of Plus Two mark list and NATA-2019 Score card through the link ‘Upload NATA Score Sheet and Mark list’ provided in the web page. The scanned documents uploaded should be complete, readable and without any defects. After uploading the documents, the candidates should take the print out of the Mark Submission Confirmation Report and uploaded documents through the link ‘Print Mark Submission Confirmation Report’ and keep it for future use.
Hope this helps.
All the best.
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.
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