Does book of Logical Reasoning (Arun Sharma) of 2012 edition make any difference while preparing for latest competitive exams ?
Arun Sharma – ‘How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude’ by Arun Sharma has been a bestseller for years. It has been helping students prepare for exams such as CAT, SNAP, MAT, XAT, etc. This book is in many ways similar to Sarvesh Verma, especially the structure. The book is rich in content and covers three levels of difficulty approach. It provides strategies based on different type of questions and also provides common errors that are made. This is very valuable as it can help you eliminate the mistakes and overcome your weaknesses.
Also you can refer to quant book by Sarvesh K verma. Both are very good books to prepare for competetive exams.
Hope this helps...
Always try to go for the new edition, even though there aren't many differences between them u might observe some changes.
Hope this helps.