Entrance exam for dayalbagh University b.tech 2019?
Hello Parth Shrimali,
Eligibility Criteria forB.Tech/ B.Arch : JEE Main/ NATA
Written Exam for B.Tech/BA (Part Time) course Will be held on June 15, 2019.

For B.tech admission JEE Main candidate are elibigle to apply for admission
Eligibility Criteria:
10+2 with PCM with at least 60% marks in Mathematics. You selection will be sub divided further, Merit in 10+2 and score in JEE Main followed by an Interview.
Please note: 5%, 60%, 15% and 20% weightage to the marks in class X, XII, Score in JEE Main and Interview respectively
Application form will be availble from 26th April 2019 to 1st June, 2019 (approximate)
Date of Interview: June 23-29, 2019