What is admission procedure in dayalbagh university for btech ? Should I have to give any exam?
Hi Parth,
To get into Dayalbagh University you will first need to visit their website https://www.dei.ac.in/dei/admission/. First sign up and fill the details which are asked and required. Then choose your course you are interested in, in your case it is B.Tech.
If you are eligible and can qualify further, you will receive an update on your mail or mobile, whose information you would have provided while registering, regarding the dates for the interview which will be held at the campus itself.
Based upon your marks, you will be shortlisted in the merit list. You will be evaluated on your JEE (Mains) score, 10+2 score, 10th score, extra curricular achievements, and your interview. All these components together make up a total of 200, based on which you will stand.
If you have scored good, you'll be called for counseling where you can choose from the offered branches (Civil, Electrical, Footwear, and Mechanical).
Good Luck!

Dear aspirant,
To get admission in dayalbagh University, you have to give it's written test which is going to be held on 15 June 2019 and the result will be declare on the date 18 June 2019 , if you qualify your exam than you will have your admission interview on the date 25 June 2019.