For engineering which is important to opt for, college or branch
Hello Rahul
It's totally depend on you, if you are interested in a particular branch then college doesn't matter for you. You can learn that subject for anywhere. But if you are only interested in college tag like IITs, NITs, IIITs and some other best colleges and ready to opt any branch then branch doesn't matter for you.
So, it's depends on your interest, if you are interested in a particular subject then go for it, don't think much about college or if want to get a college tag then also go for it.

Hi Rahul, it is depends upon your areas of interest. If you find interest in any branch then ita better to go for that branch only. Like if you like to work with computers then go for computer engineering in any college, if you like to work with machines then you can go for mechanical engineering from any college.etc. Now you have zero knowledge of any perticular field then go for any good reputed college ot university and take out any field. As good reputed colleges have good course structures , faculties , placements . So you will not find any difficulty during study and even during finding a job. So first decide which field you like or do any ground work to find all details of thatvperticular branch. Else from any good reputed college any field will be ok. Hope it is helpful to clear your dilemna.
All the best for your future.
Hello student!
This is one of the tough choices which varies for everyone. If you are sure about what you want to do after four years of engineering, then go for the best branch you can get because then hopefully you will have a whole roadmap chalked out.
However, if you are unsure and want to explore many things, choose the best possible college regardless of branch which can give you the ultimate exposure. You can also try for branch change after one year at most colleges!
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